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Farewell Kenso

"Kenso Unbroken"
3 Rounds For Time:
1 Shoulder Press 155/105
3 Push Press 155/105
5 Push Jerk 155/105
50 Double Unders

*Once you pick up the barbell each round, it may not touch the floor until all presses are complete.  You may rest the barbell in any position as long as it does not touch the floor.  All presses must be performed from a front rack position.  If the bar touches the floor you must do 10 burpees. 

**Once you start a set of double unders, you must perform 1 burpee each time the rope stops.  Single skips between double unders are allowed, but if the rope hits your feet, or if you rest, you must do 1 burpee and then continue.

When I first saw an ad for CrossFit, I thought, “How is this
any different than what I already do at the gym?”  It seems simple enough: lift, jump, and run, as quickly,
safely, and efficiently as possible. 
I felt I already had that figured out in my normal routine.
Additionally, I was running around 20-30 miles/week and was convinced that
anything but would result in weight gain and loss of cardiovascular ability.

I dropped into CF East Sac after my regular routine just to
check it out.  No big machines, no
cardio equipment, some pull up bars, and a big tire in the parking lot.  Wasn’t impressed.  To be honest, I thought there was no
way I could get a workout from 20 min. 
A conversation with Justin sparked my curiosity and I decided to give it
a shot.  Six months later, I have
let go of the mainstream chest/tricep, back/bicep days at 24 Hour and am 100% addicted and
committed to CrossFit.  I truly
feel that I do more in a 5-20 minute WOD than most people do in 1-2 hours at
the gym.

CrossFit has been an incredible experience, one that has
helped me grow physically and psychologically.  In addition to losing 20lbs, I’m lifting more, moving
faster, and can actually do pull ups! 
Not only has this box been a great outlet to release daily stress, it
has also shown me that there is always more left in the tank…1 more rep, 1 more
pound, 1 second faster.

While the programming is great (or terrible depending on how
you feel about burpees), the community is what makes East Sac unique.  It is rare to see so many people from
such differing backgrounds get together in support of one another.  From tribute WODs to celebrating life
events, one gets the feeling that they are apart of something greater.  The camaraderie is further evidenced in
the daily blog, the lighthearted joking, and the friendly competition on the

Justin, Travis, Brooke, and Chris are amazing coaches and I
am fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from them.  While I will continue at another
affiliate in San Francisco, the level of coaching at CFES will be impossible to
match. Thank you for everything, this has been a life changing experience!
-Kenso Kagawa

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