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Farewell Party at the Penney’s

Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5

4 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
10 Burpees
200m Run Carrying Heavy Shit

We will be having a farewell party for Denise on Saturday night August 10th at 6:30pm.  The party will be hosted by Pat and Carol Penney at their house.  Please RSVP and come out to show Denise some love.  Denise’s energy and inspiration will be deeply missed in our community and we know that she would be touched that you came out to support her in her new adventure and give her a proper send off.

Saturday August 10th @ 6:30pm
At the Penney’s home 5504 Susan Way

Catering by Evan’s Kitchen
Water, iced tea, and lemonade provided
BYOB if you have a favorite beverage

Please RSVP ASAP so we can get the catering right
Members RSVP on Front Desk, click here
Non-Members/Guests, please email

“A Bittersweet Farewell……..”

Screen Shot 2013-08-01 at 10.05.51 AM Some of you may or may not know that I recently found out that life is taking a new and unexpected turn for me. Soon I will be moving to the East Coast, specifically Hartford, CT, to support my partner with a job promotion. It is so bittersweet as I am honestly really excited about life’s new adventure, but I am equally as sad about leaving all of you….my family members; my strength; my motivation; my friends; my WODDING buddies; my Ocho crew; ALL of you! When I found out that we would be making the move my initial thought was of how awful it would be to leave CFES. I’m almost positive that my poor Mother and Father wouldn’t want to hear that, but in truth, my heart belongs to my peeps at CFES! Maybe that’s the addict in me, or maybe it’s because it is my “safe” place…the place I feel at home, or maybe it is just because I have come to love each and every one of you with all that I am and it is going to be very sad to not share space with you every day. Whatever it is, I know that all of you have made a true and lasting impact on who I am as a person and I wanted to make sure you all know how very special you are to me before I go.

When I first walked through the doors of CFES, I had no idea that my life would change with that one decision. I figured that I would get one hell of a workout in that would possibly satisfy my soul and keep the “shitty committee” out of my head for at least an hour or so a day! What I can tell you is that is exactly what happened AND THEN SOME! The “and then some” is what I never could have expected. Not only have I gotten GREAT workouts in that make me sweat from my headly to my feetly, but that “shitty committee” in my head is no longer “shitty.” Don’t get me wrong, I still have a committee (come on, you ALL have heard me cheering myself on during WOD’s in third person!), but now my committee tells me I am strong and can take whatever life throws my way and that is what I call success! I not only found sanity through insane workouts, but I found a family who nurtures me and lifts me up to be the person that I always knew I could be but I just didn’t know how to get there. I found a pet in Alley, Betsy, Satch, Groover, and Greyson that I never had myself. I found babies to babysit and love on (Ohana, Tyson, Colin, Mia, Alex, Evan, etc.) when I didn’t have any of my own. I found love and acceptance in others through blood, (chalk), sweat, and tears! But, most importantly, I found me. Trust me when I say that I have been looking for ME for a long time now and always found myself looking in all the wrong places and so of course I found all the wrong things. For once in my life, I found the good, hardworking, dedicated, strong woman in myself rather than the bad, wrong, addict that I used to see when I looked in the mirror. For that, I will be forever grateful to ALL of you… true foundation….my home…..CFES. So many times in life I would start something just to give up before success became the option. I am not sure if I was scared of failure or scared of success, but either way, the end result was the same, I gave up on myself out of fear. I walked through the doors of CFES almost 2 years ago a very scared and broken woman who was searching for something different to fill that hole in my heart…..that void.

What I found in all of you was true love and acceptance and a bond that I will never be able to replace. You loved me through times when I didn’t know how to love myself and cheered me on when I thought I was knocking on death’s door. I have probably spent more time with some of you than I do at home with my partner, but I still can’t get enough…..I am an addict after all and you all seem to be pretty darn addicting! Needless to say, there aren’t enough words to tell you how blessed and honored I am to have shared air and space with all of you for the last couple years. I love our laughs, I love our tears and sweat, I love our music and coaches, I love our dogs and babies, I love our box, but most of all, please know that I truly love all of you!

See you soon…….but not soon enough!


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