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Feeling Dizzy?

Push Press 3-3-3-1-1-1

5 Rounds for Time:
5 Snatch Grip Deadlift (50% of 1RM)  
15 Air Squats

Tony and Danny working on building some crazy upper body strength in yesterdays WOD. 

That feeling of being upside down is actually a very good thing for us. Our cardiovascular systems work very hard everyday to supply an adequate amount of oxygen and blood supply to our brains and when we go upside down, the pressure exerted on our arteries is decreased giving our heart a nice little change. Also, gravity is always pulling the fluids in our lungs to the bases causing more compressed tissue compared with our upper lobes. When we go upside down, the blood in the bases of our lungs now are able to move to the upper lobes allowing for better oxygen exchange and healthier lung tissue. 
So, who wants to do that more often? I do! Its either spending more time upside down or quitting smoking for healthier lung tissue:) Haha the choice is yours!

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