Weighted Pull Up 5-5-3-3
+ 1 Max Set Dead Hang Pull Ups
8 Rounds For Time:
3 Push Press 155/105
30 Double Unders
Carl Paoli, gymnastic/CrossFit coach extraordinaire is coming to East Sac to put on his seminar, The Freestyle Connection. Many of you have probably seen Carl's new site, gymnasticswod.com, a site dedicated to giving us extra gymnastic skill work to add to our CF regimen. The additional gymnastics really adds to one's fitness level. I can vouch as I have been doing many of Carl's daily exercises while dealing with an injury. Even though my CF training has been less intense than usual, I have added strength to my barbell lifts, and feel much more efficient during my metcons. This stuff works!
Carl's will be here on Saturday June 11th from 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM with a 30 minute lunch break. The 6 hour seminar will cost $180 and will cover many of the fundamental gymnastic movements we use in CrossFit, plus a bunch more movements that we should be using. Come learn new progressions that will help you get that first…
To sign up, or more information on the seminar, go to http://nakaathletics.com/cfeastsac-seminar. This is a great opportunity to increase your knowledge and skill set and become a better athlete.