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The Whiteboard

Back Squat

Then alternating for time:
Back Squat @75% 1RM
Knees to Elbows
Dawn above doing whatever it takes to post her results of her Saturday workout! I watched her carry the 45# plate over so she could reach her name! 
Do the markings on the whiteboard ever make you feel anxious? Fearful? Amped? Focused? Why do these words and markings make you feel a certain way? The whiteboard is a type of public posting and its effects have been studied extensively by sports psychologists. The whiteboard may elicit positive reactions in one individual and negative reactions in another individual.
What would your response be seeing these written on the whiteboard?
-Your Push Jerk goal written on the board and circled for everyone to see?
-Your entire food log for the week was posted?
-CrossFit superheroes results from a WOD we were going to do that day? 

Okay so how would you feel? Embarrassed? Motivated? We CrossFit because we are interested in results. The whiteboard probably has something to do with that. Posting how we did on a workout makes us work harder because we know that everyone sees our results for that day. Have you thought about writing your goals on the whiteboard? Research in the field of Sports Psychology has shown that goal setting is strengthened when publically posted. Try posting a couple of personal goals up there.  Another highly effective strategy in improving performance is combining goal setting, public posting and oral feedback (Brobst & Ward, 2002). I would suggest using the whiteboard everyday as a tool to improving your performance and learning about yourself. Become comfortable displaying what you want to do and talk about it so those goals can become a reality. And by the way, have you seen how many whiteboards we have in our gym? Grips of whiteboards!!!! Use them! I don't think Justin is taking them down anytime soon!

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  1. Great post Brooke. When one first starts CF they may not be able to lift the 45# plate, but we have those that need the plate to just get a boost. Nice Dawn!

  2. Well I admit the whiteboards intrigued me because most gyms I’m familiar with have mirrors. I never did like the mirrors. Whiteboards are way better. Doesn’t bother me to have my results on the board. Bothers me a bit to see the same names at the top all the time. I guess I need to work harder.

  3. brother mike

    I like the boards. Doesn’t bother me to be at the bottom as long as I know I gave it all the effort I had. It is nice to see how others did and compare, maybe a little friendly competition.
    I really like the Wall of Fame. In the quest to fulfill the New Year’s resolution to ‘Do all the girls in a year’ I look up at the wall to see how long it should take and then evaluate what I did right and wrong on based on my time or score compared to the wall. Oh, and I have to say I was pretty excited to knock Pat Harty’s “Helen” time of the Wall of Fame.
    Nice lifts today. 5-5-3-3-20 beats powerlifter roid induced complex fractions anyday.

  4. Justin, Cherie and I should have put money on our bet:
    How will the teams be scored?
    A team’s score will be calculated by combining the results of its top three men and top three women each week, and comparing that to all the other teams. See “Complete Rules for Team Competition.”
    I read that to mean that each week is separate scoring for the team. So, right now, our team score is based off the scores of: Blair, Justin, Travis and Brooke, Sabrina, Alice.
    Making us 4th in the universe at the moment.
    But next week, the score will be based on our top three men and top three women of that week. Then, for overall scoring, we do the usual CrossFit ranking of adding up our place for each WOD and lowest total is the best rank.

  5. Memo O.

    I love the White board because make me push myself harder to be on the top for the day.
    And let me know how much time will take to do the WOD.

  6. Brian Plant

    Two comments: 1) Brooke’s post was at 4:40 AM (as in morning); and 2) the citation (Brobst & Ward, 2002). I didn’t know that Brooke wakes up early to read the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. This also scares me — a we the unknowing guinea pigs in a study that Brooks is conducting?

  7. I like the whiteboard…especially when I can’t quite figure out how much weight to use and/or what time range I “should” finish a WOD in. I know we should be basing our weights on our own but sometimes its still tough to figure out.
    The public display doesn’t usually bother me. If I do well, let the world know…if I suck…that’s fine too.
    Also, the whiteboard is good for Kensoing!

  8. brother mike

    Isn’t Kensoing the ultimate proof that the Whiteboard has value?
    -Brother Mike, who Kensoed Big Rob on Open WOD #1

  9. Wait…. we have white boards?

  10. Yeah, and if you forget to post your time on the whiteboard because you’re yapping too much after the WOD, just ask me what happens…

  11. 2 Thoughts:
    1. Brooke – reference citations rock. you are a fellow nerd and i totally dig that in a non-creepy way.
    2. The most important whiteboard of all is the Burpee Wall Of Shame. People might need to get slapped by a rubber fist (yeah, i said it) pretty soon if they don’t get on it…

  12. John Michelmore

    Whiteboards are great, as long as kept in perspective. They can add incentive and promote goals, but we should keep in mind that our biggest competition comes from within. That’s what you have to live with and be proud of at the end of the day!

  13. We 6 a.m.’ers always miss out on the Kensoing opportunities. But that’s okay. It’s hard enough to count up weights on the barbells accurately and to tie my shoes correctly that early, as it is, without also having to focus on beating someone by one rep.
    Oh yeah, and I think we need to add a running list of SHTs to the Whiteboards, with space to add your name when you’ve done them.

  14. Big Rob

    I agree with Sabrina… we need a SHT board.

  15. brother mike

    So we get home from crossfit kids today and my six year old is supposed to be doing her homework. I hear this weird thumping so I call her to come finish her homework. she says just a minute. A few minutes go by, the weird thumping doesn’t stop but it sounds harmless and I was making dinner so I didn’t worry about it. Then Abigail comes into the kitchen and informs me that she just did 50 burpees.

  16. Jenna

    Hey all, Aaron and I (foundations) are leaving to SoCal tomorrow for the week… stopping first in Santa Barbara and want to get a WOD in if possible. I see there are two boxes in SB… Pacific Coast and CFSB… has anyone been to either? Recommendations? Thanks!

  17. The boards could help with time management, if people would use them. As in, Travis needs to learn that when everyone is taking 20 minutes to finish, he needs to start the WOD 20 minutes BEFORE class ends, not 10 minutes BEFORE. But this is only a ribbing for Travis. LOL.

  18. Jenna, go to Goodland CrossFit in Golita. A friend of ours owns it, and I am sure he will show you guys a good WOD. Ask for Nick.
    As for the white boards, just put your shit on the PR board. We can make a corner for shit if you want, but it will get erased periodically.

  19. Bro Mike- That is awesome. I think that is so funny! She is really getting into CFK!!
    Dawn- I love this picture. I love that you brought the weight over!

  20. cort

    The real reason the whiteboards are up is to protect the wall from those who are heavy footed on the ups for HSPU’s. Plus, who doesn’t love to use a dry erase marker!

  21. Broski… that is effing RAD!
    When it come’s to erasing the white board… I think erasers and towels are for pussies… I just do a few wall walks when I need it all taken down… then I use the towel originally meant for wiping off the board to clean my vomit when I’m done.

  22. Great post Brooke – I loved the references.
    Just a thought about an on-line CFES whiteboard – Could we consider a picture of the WOD scores before they are erased, perhaps taken at the end of each day and posted for our comments?

  23. let’s join our hands together to stop this kind of wrong doings. It may risk lives in the future if we just let them continue.

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