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Rest Day Discussion


If you watched the CF Games team competition on Friday, then you may have seen how many people struggled at legless rope climbs. That is not an easy movement by any means, but I can guarantee they will be working on it come off season. What are your goats, and how will you work on them this week? It’s time to tackle your weaknesses!

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  1. Jennifer R.

    WOW! Just saw Kari snatch 74K! Way to go!!!!!!
    She missed the first lift, then made the next two. She had to fight to stand up with the 74, but she did it and it was a good lift. Congratulations!!!!!!!!

    Does anyone know how much later the Clean and Jerk lifts are?

  2. Jennifer R.

    The announcers on the Nationals video feed gave a shout-out to CrossFit for raising awareness and participation in Oly lifting!

  3. Squatting and running are my goats. Used to be a good runner until running became extinct from Regionals, now that barbells are king in CrossFit, I am focusing my effort there. The squat is paramount to strength on every other lift. My 365 squat needs to be 425 if I am going to stay competitive. Working on it hard 2x per week, limiting metcon in order to allow proper recovery from squat days. Doing lots of mobility work on the hips trying to improve position and maximize recovery. Not attempting to limit calories or burn extra calories. Get big season!

  4. Cherie

    Running, rowing, air-‘dining’, sledding and prowlering. Been working on lifting lately but know I need to get in shape at some point.

  5. Sabrina

    Ring dips. Ugh, my nemesis. I’ll be working on those after every WOD this week. Also, after watching the Games individuals fly through that 2007 pullup chipper last night, I’m inspired to get better at butterfly pullups, so lots of ring dips and butterfly pullups in my future.

  6. Matt_P

    I have a whole herd of goats. They are my constant companions.

  7. Ashley Latimer

    Everything is a goat to me at this point, well except maybe wall balls : )

    • Jennifer R.

      Yeah, I’m with you, Ashley. My farm is all goats.

      Some of the goats are less ugly and stinky than they used to be. But as this happens, new goats, uglier and stinkier, arrive.

  8. Sherona

    I’m going to get my freestanding handstand and string 10 pull-ups in a row.

  9. Jennifer R.

    C2B pullups(and every other gymnastics move). Shoulder flexibility. Timing in Oly lifts and thrusters.

  10. Lesley Heller

    A big shoutout to Crossfit Dogtown for placing 2nd and 3rd in Individual Women. When I am visiting my daughter they r always nice to let me come workout at their gym. I have had the honor of being coached by LIndsay Valenzula who came in 2nd in Individual Women. Great job they did. Guess I will wear my Dogtown shirt tomorrow in their honor.

  11. laura goulding

    I’m on vacation for a week and a half, so to not lose momentum I brought my jump rope with me in hopes of mastering several consecutive double-unders.

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