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Grow Your Own

Snatch Balance 3-3-3

Overhead Squat 3-3-2-2-1-1-1

21-15-9 of:
Hang Squat Snatch 95/65
Pull Up

February 25th, 2012

March 28th, 2012
After the first Open WOD this year, back in February, I spent the remainder of the day building some planters for the back yard.  A trip to the Home Depot for some wood and dirt ended up running me about 400 bucks and an afternoon of building.  We used pressure treated redwood, and Mircale Grow vegetable and flower soil.  You could go cheaper on the wood, but it won't last as long, and you want to make sure you get good soil.  It was a pretty fun project, something I hadn't done before and here we are about 3 months later and we have a booming vegetable garden going.

Loren and I didn't really know what to plant or how things would go, so we just picked out some stuff and went for it.  From left to right we planted zucchinis, tomatoes, cucumbers, red peppers, and two more varieties of tomatoes.  The zuccini plant looks like something form a rain forrest and has already produced a few zuchinnis bigger than we would know what to do with.  The tomato plants are growing over the fence and just starting to sprout little tomatoes all over. The cucumber vine is growing up the fence and we have got a couple very tasty cucumbers off of it with many more sprouting.  The red pepper plant took a long time to start growing and seems to be catching on now, but no fruit yet.

If you add up all the time and money spent on the project, it probably works out better to go down to the local grocer or farmers market.  On the other hand it was fun project that looks cool in the yard and we will be able to put new plant varieties in and try different things for years to come.  I suggest giving it a shot.  We had no idea really what we were doing and everything seems to be working out great.

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