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Gymnastics Night This Friday @ 7:30, BE THERE!

Jerk 5-5-3-3-1-1-1

For Time:
20 Shoulder to Overhead 165/105
10 Rope Climb
60 KB Swing 62/44

In the hierarchy of CrossFit elements, gymnastics is one of the most important aspects of training for overall fitness.  We do push ups, pull ups, sit ups, we even practice walking on our hands and learing basic ring movements.  Let me tell you, we barely scratch the surface of possibilities of what you can learn in a real gymnastics studio with a real gymnastics coach.

Another element of the fitness we preach is to learn and play new sports regularly.  Why not take a small shot at the true mother of all sports, gymnastics.  I went to this place about 1 month ago on a Friday night with Blair Morrison.  We had an absolute blast leaning new skills in an environment with real gymnastics coaches, real gymnasts, and with equipment that makes it possible to attempt the impossible.  I can't recommend this experience enough.  If you miss this, you are truly missing out on an amazing oppritunity.

Please join me and a bunch of your CFES buddies for a night of rolling around and learing new skills.  I promise it will make you feel like a kid again.  You will leave this place laughing and giggling like a little school girl.  Besides the fact that is is super fun, you will be develpoing the type of body awareness that seperates the men from the boys in terms of true athletic ability.  The things that you stand to learn, even in only a couple hour window, are priceless.

When: Friday Night @ 7:30PM – around 9:30 PM then drink/food somewhere else
Where: The International Gymnastics Center in West Sac – click for directions
Cost: Free!
What: Learning new things, having a blast, and going out for a couple adult beverages and food after all sweaty and with friends.  The class is very safe, and you will not be forced to do anything outside of your comfort zone, but at the same time you will leave having done something that you didn't think you were capable of.

Please leave a comment,
letting me know that your interested so I can give the gymnastics place a head count before we arrive and overwhelm them with our stiffness and lack of coordination and balance.

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