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We Have Another Level 1, Sean V. Zen

5 Rounds For Time:
10 Wall Walks
10 Toes To Bar
20 Box Jumps 24"/20"

Sean Villagracia, passes the test with flying colors.  I have to commend Sean on two accounts.  The first was a challenge that I posed to him before the final part of the test.  I told him that nobody thus far has done all 30 of the jumping pull ups unbroken at the end of the output test, and that he could be the first.  It took some loud words of encouragement in his face as I saw him about to break, but he pulled it off.  1k row, 30 wall balls, and 30 unbroken jumping pull ups to finish!  He collapesed onto the wall and slid down into the seated position shown here.  I don't even think he could.  Great effort!

The second thing I want to commend Sean on is something you all should take notes on.  It was very obvious when taking Sean through this testing process that this guy has done his homework.  When I told him what movement to do next, he never even thought twice about it.  He new the names of all the movements without question and he was able to demonstrate some of the finest points of those movements.  He actually performed the movements better than some of the certified CF coaches I have come in contact with.  Sean hit the Burgener warmup so clean that he could have been the model for any video explaining the drills.

When he could see again, still sitting in the position shown above, I told him that I could see that he has spent a lot of time studying CrossFit, watching youtube videos, and really learing this art of fitness that we teach.  He replied, "Yeah I am on for hours every day." 

There is something very important that happens when you spend time outside of the gym learning about and visualizing what we do in the gym.  Someone who comes into this gym and expects to learn it all in 3 hours a week, goes home and never thinks about their workout again except for how sore they are, will never reach the level of mastery that someone like Sean will attain.  They will not see the results he is experiencing and they will not make progress as quickly as he has.  This guy is a true student of our discliplne, and because of this, he will reach a level of mastery that few people ever will.  Take a page out of Sean's book and spend some extra time learing about what we do on your own time.  There are tons of resources available to you and it will make you better.  Plus its all a lot more important to your life that watching Oprah, the Bachelor, the Housewives, or whatever other garbage you are busy making yourself dumber with.

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