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Happy 51st Joan!

Jerk 3-3-3-1-1-1

Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes:
2 Deadlifts @ 51%
8 Each Leg Bulgarian Split Squats

Picture 3 Over the past several years I spent plenty of time in
various gyms and always found myself getting bored.  I never really pushed
myself as hard as I could or should during instructor led classes or my
own less than challenging workouts.  So
when I was approached by my friend Ruth to share a personal training session
with Chris Lene, I jumped at the opportunity.  As Chris pushed us to do things that we had never done before, he
kept talking about CrossFit.  Chris
introduced us to WOD’s and strongly suggested we give CrossFit a try.   So we decided we would, not knowing exactly what we were
walking into, and that is when we met Justin and Travis for the first time.

At first, I was a bit overwhelmed with what was going
on, but Justin and Travis broke
everything down in steps making it easier to understand what I was supposed to be
doing.  Some things I could pick up faster than
others, like double-unders, but other things were extremely challenging.  Early on, I had a high level of
frustration because I couldn’t do the basic movements let alone the fact that I had
never done any type of weightlifting prior to CrossFit.  I was my own worst critic.  I kept asking myself for example, how
hard can it be to do an air squat? 
How can I move on and do front or back squats if I can’t even do an air
squat.  Justin and Travis never
gave up on me and continued to coaching and encouraging me to keep at it until I got
it right.  Everyone else
in the community was very supportive which was also very helpful.  I
feel myself getting stronger with each and every front and back squat, and my next goal is to master that ever so frustrating overhead squat. 

I’m proud to be a part of this community and I feel blessed
for the friendships that have developed because of all the people that Justin,
Travis and Brooke have brought together. 
Each member that I have had the privilege to work out with inspires me
to keep pushing myself to reach new levels each and every day.  It is a pleasure to be surrounded by
so many gifted athletes.

You will never hear me use the word bored to describe how I
feel about CrossFit.  Excited,
committed, passionate about getting stronger; that is how I feel about
CrossFit.  I can’t imagine ever
going back to any of my old gyms, stepping onto a piece of exercise equipment
that requires electricity and telling myself, “now that was a good WOD.”

I am committed to CrossFit forever.  So thank you to everyone who has helped
me get there.

-Joan Abate

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