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Crazy CF’ers

For Time:
KB Swing 80/53
GHD Situp

Do 10 KBS and 1 GHD, then 9 KBS and 2 GHD and so on.

Bryant, Brian and Tracy are just a few of many who faced the elements yesterday in the name of self-improvement.  Most people would not think of going out in the rain for a workout.  Here at CFES we gave every member who came in yesterday the option of subbing rowing, burpees or double unders (in reasonable amounts) for the 800m runs.  Only 3 people all day decided to stay dry.  There is something to be said for the drive and the toughness that our members have developed through competing against themselves and their peers in our program.  Its hard to notice the discomfort of cold windy rain when the workout itself is 10x more uncomfortable and your mind is determined to improve yourself.  You all are an awesome bunch of studs and we are all lucky to be surrounded by such a motivated group.

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