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Happy Birthday Anne!!!

Hang Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5 Reps

"A Good Harty Row"
3 Rounds For Max Distance:
34 Pulls On The Rower
Rest 34 seconds

Happy Birthday to our biggest fan, Anne Harty who turned 34 yesterday.  Anne, you have become a fitness machine and you are an example of what is possible when dedication is combined with a proper approach to fitness.  34 years old and looking 24 with physical ability increasing by the minute.  Thank you for all your  hard work over the last couple years. 
Please join us all to celebrate at Anne's sister Amy's house tonight at 7:30.  Food and drinks provided, so bring your empty stomach and leave your kids at home.  Address is 2145 Glancy Ct. in Carmichael.

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