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Harness Your Inner Gymnast

30 Min Gymnastics Skillwork

1,000 Meter Row
Repeat X3
Rest As Needed For Best Effort


    In CrossFit we tend to perform only elementary gymnastics skills such as muscle-ups and handstand pushups (this isn't really a "skill").  Though few athletes will ever become strong and skilled (and light) enough to perform feats such as these we still can gain a grand appreciation of their performances.  Its pretty breathtaking.  They are truly pushing the limits of what is physically possible for human beings (and perhaps primates in general?  Doubt it).  To put this into perspective, the muscle-up in elite competition isn't even scored because it's simply a prerequisite movement for getting into the "difficult" movements of the routine.  I wonder how many HSPUs these guys can do?  Let this serve as inspiration as you putz-around on the rings today…I know I will.  Click here to see the result when humans and apes square off.

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  1. Defies gravity. so amazing!! Like.

  2. EricH

    Yes, but if apes and humans entered into something like a needle-threading competition, we’d blow them out of the water. Take that, Bonzo!

  3. Good luck the the CFESers competing today!

  4. donna

    Omg. The serious sports-like commentary on the human v. Ape video is hilarious.
    Good luck to all the competitors today! 🙂

  5. Either auto-post didn’t work today , or we ran out of topics for discussion. The latter is impossible, especially today: Giants or 49ers?