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Heels! Heels! Heels!

20 Minute AMRAP:
400m Run
5 Rounds:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats


Justin e-mailed this video to all the trainers and interns earlier this week. Short video with a big message. How many times have you heard a trainer tell you to stay on your heels? Coach Burgener shows the importance of keeping one's weight back. If a person is back on their heels, then they can finish the lift properly. If a person is out on their toes, then that bar jumps away from them and the lift becomes more like a kettlebell swing. Getting under a bar that is flying away from you usually doesn't happen and can end up putting people in horrible overhead positions. 

Rich Froning stays on his heels. He snatches 300#:


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  1. Squat Club will be cancelled… Turns out squats are bad for you. Just read here:

  2. I can’t tell if that article is supposed to be funny or if it’s just written by the world’s biggest nincompoop. The steroids I have to take to keep up with squatting weekly must confusing me.

  3. I’m just grateful for my divinely engineered knees… Plus. Steroids.

  4. I am just glad I have special traps that pad my spine from the load it isn’t designed to handle. Also glad I do CrossFit and O-lift otherwise my squatting wouldn’t be applicable to anything at all.

  5. KW

    Man, I knew all those damn jumping squats this morning seemed like a bad idea for some reason.
    That page mentions satire down at the end so I think it is meant to be funny, but that is not coming through all that effectively, I don’t think.

  6. Ashley Latimer

    Just read the article. HAD to be intended satire.