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Holiday Blues

Met Con
10 Burpees
100' Bounding Broad Jump
10 Ring Dips

Holiday blues are just around the corner. This post isn't written for the fire
breathers, the people whom 90 percent of us look at and say, don't they have
anything else? Yet we stand back in admiration… "How the hell do they do
that?" That answer is simple if you are one of them. Eat properly and show
up religeously. If this post is speaking to you, you know exactly who you are.
Holiday travel, school events, party planning, party attending, blah, blah,
blah! We all have at some point experienced a reason for abscence or letting go
during the months of Oct-Dec!

This year I am challenging each and every one of you to a small yet simple
task. Set a small goal and remember, it needs to be s-m-a-r-t (SPECIFIC,
3x per week during the next 3 months. I will follow this routine and nutrition
plan until I hit my desired fitness level of 20 lbs off and a make 10 kipping
pullups by Jan of 2012!

You get the picture, take the time and write out a SMART goal this week, I
personally believe there is power in walking around with that "smart"
goal in your wallet or purse! Make it challenging yet acheivable. See if you
can be a "fire breather" for the next few months. You might actually
like it.

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  1. Alan

    10 consecutive muscle-ups by January 1st.

  2. Chris: I doubt that you are advising me to lose 20lbs.

  3. Chris – I love your entries into our CFES blog. They are intelligent, positive & motivating. With my torn shoulder, I’m 80% there toward complete repair. I’ve been growing tender baby tendons from my own adult stem cells, extracted from bone marrow from my hips. I’ve just started physical therapy this week. Hopefully, within a couple of months… I’ll be back. Being patient, waiting for this to heal, has been very difficult. I so want to do a real WOD. Again – Thank you Chris, you are exceptional!

  4. You remember what I told you Scott…

  5. Thanks for your dip advice today Blake. It may take me a while to get cus I have to think about it so much but hopefully will pay off in the long run. DL advice helped too!

  6. harlan

    Dip advice? DO tell!

  7. Bryan Turner

    Rut row, there’s a dirty old man amongst us.

  8. harlan

    Turner, there are some of us who actually are sincere when posting questions/comments regarding crossfit. No need to call yourself out

  9. harlan

    Blake, I will seek out your advice on dips today

  10. Sarah

    blake i miss your dip advice! hopefully itll connect with cherie and harlan better than it has with me

  11. hah you know it! It’s funny cuz they actually do the same thing as you.

  12. I had a hard enough time getting it right in the first place so I don’t wanna mess it up trying to explain on the blog. You’re probably better off tracking Blake down for a demo.

  13. EricH

    Granpa John, is this actually true: “I’ve been growing tender baby tendons from my own adult stem cells, extracted from bone marrow from my hips.”
    If so, that’s amazing … I didn’t know things had progressed that quickly. If not, just wait, it’ll be true soon enough.

  14. Derek W

    Awesome post, Chris. Great way to express the recipe for success. “We are what we repeatedly do.”

  15. Derek W

    And, I’ll be waiting to see what 6:30 has to say about my “We are what we repeatedly do” comment…

  16. Jennifer R.

    Ann–thanks for your swift injury intervention this morning. The cold cold water bottle helped. My toe is sore but not swollen. You da best!