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Homework – Read Carefully And Memorize

5 Rounds For Time:
5 Thrusters 155/105
10 Box Jump 36"/28"
20 Double Unders

Your homework assignment is to learn the Burgner Warmup by heart.  Learn the movements, the names of the movements and understand the reason why each movement is in the sequence.  If you expect to excel in this fitness program you are going to need to put a little extra thought and effort into it than just what we do here in class.  We have been using the Burgner Warmup progression weekly since we opened and it is time that the group can fly through it with proper movement and understanding of the movements.  Here are the names of the exercises and the explanation of what each movement adds to the progression.
First lets check stance, grip, and position. 

– You will start all movements in the pulling/jumping stance.  This is with your heels directly under your hips.

Grip – Use a grip width that allows for a straight arm pass through over and back.  If you have freeky flexible shoulders, adjust the with of your grip to be 8"-12" over the top of your head.  Use a hook grip by wrapping your thumb around your dowel/pvc/broomstick as far as possible then gripping your thumb tightly with your 1st and 2nd fingers

Position – Stand tall with a big chest, your weight in your heels, and your arms straight.

The Significance of Each Movement:

Down and Up
– This is the foundation of every Olympic lift.  Dip down keeping the back arched and the weight in the heels then jump up opening the hips and shrugging the shoulders aggressively.  The idea here is that you must learn to complete hip extension and shoulder shrug before any bending of the arms occurs.  This jump shrug drill is the movement that creates the momentum and elevation on the barbell.  If the arms bend before completion of hip extension and shrug, the lift will not be as powerful and if it is a heavy lift, it will likely be missed.  Every drill in the sequence except snatch land starts with the down and up.

Elbows High and Outside – Start with the down and up, lead with the hip extension and shoulder shrug followed by pulling the elbows straight up.  The arm pull is the next part of an Olympic lift and is intended to pull the lifter downward as opposed to pulling the weight higher.  Do not let the elbows point backward or rotate under the bar, keep them high and outside above the bar.  This movement teaches you to keep the bar close to the body making a more efficient and faster lift. 

Muscle Snatch – Slow down a bit here and keep your feet flat on the floor.  Start with the down and up followed by the elbows high and outside.  When the elbows reach maximum height, turn the bar over into an active shoulder position directly over the shoulder blades.  Finish tall without redipping into the power snatch position.  The muscle snatch develops the 3rd pull, or the pull under the bar by reinforcing the proper movement pattern and sequence of the upper body.  Focus on keeping the proper order of hip extension, shoulder shrug, and elbows high before turning the bar overhead.

Snatch Land – Starting with the bar in the overhead active shoulder position and the feet in pulling/jumping position, drop down into a 1/2 squat moving the feet into landing/squat stance.  The point of this drill is to gain speed and accuracy in footwork.  Do not jump to make the foot adjustment, just drop straight down and engage the floor aggressively stopping the movement instantly.  Heavy lifts will usually be missed if footwork is not precise.  

Hang Power Snatch – Now put it all together.  Down and up popping off the floor, elbows pull high and outside as the body drops under the bar and the feet adjust from jumping to landing stance. 

This sequence should be performed in the above order repeating 3 reps of each movement.  This will build muscle memory so you don't have to think during your lift.  The Olympic lifts are much faster than our minds, so it is necessary to develop these movements through 100's if not 1000's of repetitions.  Perform the Burgner Warmup a few times a day and your Oly lifting will improve dramatically.  Then when we finally break you of that early arm pull we can start coaching you on some of the finer points of the movement.  Watch the video below 25x and go through the movements 100x.  If you do not know this sequence by the end of the week you are going to be downgraded to dipshit status.  If you have already attained dipshit status, here is a chance to redeem yourself.

Burgener Warm-up…[wmv] [mov]

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