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How about we all try a new position?

Weighted Pull Up 5-5-5-5-5 + Max Set Kipping Pull Ups

400m Sled Pull 90/45
Immediately followed by 3 Rounds of the following, 1 minute each:
Heavy Wall Ball 30/20
Sledge Hits 10/8
Chest Slapping Push Ups
How do you spend your nights? Which one of these sleeping positions is yours?  When we are struggling through the week's workouts one of the things we look at is how much sleep we are getting. The position we sleep in can also have a direct impact on our performance as Kelly Starrett goes over in this Mobility WOD that you need to check out. As K-Star says, "athletes that respect themselves don’t sleep on their stomachs" I can't remember how many times I've woken up as a "freefaller" with a stiff neck and sore traps.. Its time we all spent some more time in the soldier sleep position and maybe our sore necks, traps and shoulders will soon be gone.

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  1. Alice K.

    I think I’m a fetal freefaller?

  2. I am probably a freefalling soldier… Lol. Alive… I’m having a hard time figuring ou what fetal freefalling looks like. Sure sounds awkward, though. Haha

  3. Shem Stygar

    I’ll have to inspect this further and listen to the logic behind sleeping on your back only.

  4. Total “fetal freefaller” – one leg straight, one leg hiked up turned on the stomach.
    Definitely not a self respecting athlete – more of a self loathing athlete :/

  5. brother mike

    Ryan, self loathing is sometimes the greatest love of all.
    I’m a mostly fetal-yearner (legs bent, arms out) but I tend to move a bit while I sleep and I am sure that I hit most of those positions on any given night.

  6. I think I am all of the above trying to fall asleep but wake up as “fetal freefaller”. I figure the body knows best…
    Sleeping on the back usually causes more snoring and sleep apnea so “freefalling” people choose oxygen!
    Going to send this page to my highly respected chiropractic and get his take on the subject.

  7. Eileen

    Mother of 3 teenagers who drive – I would just love to sleep.

  8. good to know, thanks Brooke!
    I’m a starfish sleeper and always wake up with numb and tingly hands — then transition to fetal/yearner. and back and forth and back and forth.

  9. brother mike
    Not about sleep, but Sir Charles “The Round Mound of Rebound” Barkley has been signed up for Crossfit Atlanta and mentions it during the broadcast of the bball game.

  10. LauraB

    I think my chosen sleep position – freefaller mixed in with a bit of yearner – is the reason my shoulder doesn’t like me. Time to concentrate on being a soldier!

  11. Fetal w/ body pillow.
    Callin’ out the ladies! Angela got 42 PU’s today (ALL FLY)! IT WAS AWESOME! Now, do we have a 50 out there?! I think so ladies. DOOOO IT!

  12. brother mike

    Oh, and a tip for those of you who have not done the WOD yet today: DO NOT CATCH THE 30# WALL BALL WITH YOUR FACE (while I will deny any personal knowledge of this, rumor has it doing so will bruise your chin).

  13. Sean T.

    Lene – Any chance you’ll be opening the gym this Sunday for wod 11.5? I know its Easter and all, but I’ll be out of town until then and need to plan accordingly. Thanks.

  14. LauraB

    I second the ask for Sunday gym time….Please, Chris!?

  15. hmmm 400m Sled drags… here’s hoping for that in WOD 11.5

  16. Brian P.

    BTW — We just had a mini-Newbie throwdown last evening — Chubacabras v. Fire Smellers v. Tiger Blood. Thanks to all — esp. Trey, Harlan and Sabrina for cheering us on. It was, well, ass kicking. When I got home I crumpled on the floor. My 4yr old says “Hey, Daddy’s on the floor with spit coming out and he has a chunk of tuna by his head.” My older son looks at me and laughed “That’s not tuna, that a chunk of his lung.”

  17. Liz

    Angela!!! Way to go girl AMAZING!!!!!!

  18. I once had a biology teacher that explained that his secret for staying trim was sleeping with his arms above his head (starfish position) . He then went on to rationalize it… well when he holds his arms above his head when he’s standing then they get tired so he stays in the same position while sleeping without having to go through the discomfort (because he’s unconscious of course). Brilliant!
    Of course, I don’t think he really took into consideration that when he’s sleeping he’s no longer battling gravity which is the source of the fatigue. YOu all need to be more creative in your excercise regimines like he is! BTW…if anybody’s interested in how to keep the toilet smelling fresh when at a guest’s house and u have to drop a #2 go ahead and ask me next time i’m in the gym. This teacher had great advice regarding this.

  19. harlan

    Brian, nice job to you and to everyone else. I’m gonna have to call you guys by your real name, instead of the “chimichangas”
    Angela, holy hell woman, that’s awesome!

  20. Meg

    Blake, no one is actually going to ask, you should probably just share.
    The sled pulls are fun…when you remember to do 400 m and not 200.
    And while this is not CF-related, it’s still funny.

  21. Meg

    Push up Graciosus meeting at 6 on Wednesday, yes?

  22. Edgar

    WOD 5 is up! Yet another AMRAP! Power Clean/Toes to Bar/Wall Ball

  23. And the sneak peek at WOD 6 is up — lots and lots of thrusters and c2bs!

  24. Big Rob

    So I’m shooting to get 2/3 of whatever Matt Ps score is.

  25. Ha ja jha ha … Big Rob, they said 20 minutes. It’s going to be 20 minutes of hell.

  26. Big Rob

    yep….not even gonna bitch about this one just gonna do it.

  27. Anyone want to do it at 630? Let’s get the party started!

  28. Big Rob

    11.6 was also announced… 7 min of 3 100# thrusters, 3 chest to bar pull ups, then 6 of each, 9,12,15,18,21…. so on until time is up.

  29. AO

    I sleep like a baby apparently. No HSPU for either of the wods :-(.

  30. Thrusters! … Yay…

  31. I was outside at 5:00 and I heard AO scream “effing wallballs? Goddamn it” and I don’t even know where he was.

  32. Brother Mike, what were you saying about toes to bar yesterday? sorry I was too spaced out after 6 am workout to remember.

  33. angela

    No, Matt P. That was me, and I live just on the other side of the tracks.

  34. Thank you Brooke – sleep in a normal type A’s lifestyle is near bottom of the list of importance (if not completely off it). We “know” we need sleep but… life’s short, stuff gots to get done, goals to accomplish, deadlines to meet and children to raise… Was it four hours every couple of days or more? Paleo + working out = more energy (to get more done) – right?
    Over the years, I explained to others that – Health is comprised of a three legged stool: 1) what you eat, 2) your exercise and 3) how much real sleep you give yourself; upon this stool you can seat your attitude towards life, ready for the stress it deals out, but more importantly you’ll enjoy the ride along the way a bit better.

  35. AO

    I’m at work and yeah I actually said that in the backroom 🙂

  36. Jamie P

    Good times working out with Sara and Lisa at 5:30. Thanks ladies for the fun and support.
    Thanks to Brooke too, for encouraging me on the push jerk. I seriously would have stopped waaaaay before I did if it weren’t for your matter-of-fact confidence in me and your coaching. Thanks a ton, it is much appreciated.

  37. Liz

    Ok.. got a good reality check at CFES today… Weighted Kipping Pull-Ups require very strategic placing of KB weight. As in Hang it low ladies.. It seems even us are at risk of getting smacked in the groin. I am gonna assume bone is more painful the ball… Just one more humiliating reminder that the more I learn the less I know..

  38. Liz

    Honey Badgers.. I am off to Dc for the rest of the week.. Couple things..
    Monica congrats on a 10# PR last night on your Clean and Jerk.. Awesome..Hope you got in tonight and worked on your Pull-ups. Remember Honey Badger Don’t Give A Shit.. You can do it!
    Sean. NICE job on your Pull-Ups today.. Strong!! Hope you have a nice trip.. Do a hotel WOD while you out of town if you cant find a box. If you do hit a box bring me a t-shirt.. Size Med 🙂
    Edgar.. SWA folks asking about you on the flight ;).. How is your shoulder today? Rest it so you can crush WOD 5 this weekend.
    See you all next week.. Happy Easter.. Honey Badgers eat bunnies for breakfast!!

  39. I feel your pain, Liz. Unstrategic placement of KB + stupid kip on weighted pull up = mashed tailbone. Which still hurts two weeks later. WOD smarter!

  40. Monica

    There should be an all of the above or a combination option . . .
    Liz – I did not practice pull-ups today . . . remember, don’t tell Travis that I am not in Level 1 yet – haha (foundations is a day behind so we don’t do today’s posted WOD until tomorrow). Needless to say, going tomorrow to work on the pull-ups 🙂
    Have a safe and fun trip to D.C.!!! See you next week!

  41. Bryan Turner


  42. I keep telling you guys to stop frickin kippin on the weighted pull ups! You deserve a shot in the crotch or ass if you kip your weighted pull ups.

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