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How Did This Ever Happen?

Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5-15

3 Rounds:
2:00, 1:30, 1:00 min AirDyne of Row
2:00, 1:30, 1:00 min Burpee Lateral Hop
2:00, 1:30, 1:00 min Rest

How did this ever happen?

I used to see AirDynes in the background of old school Santa Cruz CrossFit videos.  I always thought to myself, "Why do they have those dumb old things. I thought they hated machines?"  Never thought much about it as the years went on.  About a year ago, Blake was following the OPT training program which frequently uses AirDynes, and he found one on Craig's List.  He asked me if he could keep it here and I said, "Naw, we have too much clutter already, keep it at home."  Well he brought it here anyway.  For those of you who don't know, part of Blake's MO is not listening to me.  It's actually how he ended up working for us after he sent an email looking for oppritunity and I told him there was none for him here.  He showed up that day and introduced himself.

Anyway the story goes, Blake dropped the thing off on a day when we happened to be running sprint intervals in the parking lot.  Hollis who had been struggling with hip issues and couldn't run was there that evening and we threw her on the AirDyne.  At this point Hollis was getting really tired of using the rower all the time for modifications.  It took about 6 or 7 intervals of Hollis riding all out while everyone else sprinted 100's, and she was off in the bushed loosing her lunch.  I knew at that moment that AirDyne had found a home.  Then we magically aquired two more in the next week.

Since that day, we have used it for so much conditioning and for so many people who needed modifications on WODs.  It is an amazing conditioning tool that I believe should be in every well established box.  My athletes have been giving me some shit about the misery induced by these machines, then low and behold they popped up in a competition at Deuces Wild last weekend.  I decided it was time to buy them and throw out the old mis-match ones we have.

If you haven't already, you can expect to experience the pain these babies have to offer very soon.

You're welcome and enjoy!  And thank Blake too as he had a crucial part in this.

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