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If Regionals Wasn’t Inspiring Enough…

5 Rounds For Time:
10 Cleans 135#/95#
15 Wall Balls 20/14


 Here is some motivation for your week. I saw this on Facebook the other day. It's always cool seeing someone beat all the odds and do something amazing. This shows that no excuse is big enough to give up. When you are faced with adversity in life or simply in a WOD, remember this man and your problem might seem a little easier to deal with. 

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  1. Brian

    Wow! That was an awesome and inspiring video.

  2. That was the most inspiring video I have seen lately! Brought tears to my eyes for the struggle and joy he experienced! Thanks for posting!

  3. Great video. I have said it before, we have seen it so many times. The mind is more powerful than we give credit. Nothing can stop a determined individual from reaching a goal they are set on. Great post AO. We all need to be reminded what is possible from time to time. Forget about “poor me” and get shit done! CF is such a catalyst for adopting the right attitude.

  4. Blake

    That reminds me of the time I was diagnosed with testicular cancer, only to come back and win the Tour De France a record seven consecutive times.
    But really, that’s awesome.

  5. brother mike

    I’ve seen this before. Inspirational to the the change one can make with the right attitude and the right support. One thing worth noting (at least for the wrestling fans out there): the yoga instructor who helped him is former WCW Champion Diamond Dallas Page.

  6. Brooke

    Well that shit made me cry! Not like I’m not already emotional enough (thanks pregnancy hormones!) but that was really great. It is so true that if you give your mind a chance to take over, your body has nothing else to do but follow. And that goes for positive or negative thoughts.

  7. EricH

    Shit made my cry too … looks like I better get a pregnancy test or something. Congrats Brooke!
    I wonder how he changed his diet. I mean, Yoga is great and all, but no amount of it is going to shed 140lbs in 10mo without a massive diet change.

  8. AO, great video, thank you for posting.
    Brooke, I’m so happy for you!!!

  9. Amy Muraki

    Glad to see I wasn’t the only sap who got teary eyed!
    There are so many excuses not to get in the box- work, sleep, kids, house and a million more– I know I use them quite a bit so thanks for the slap in the face. I guess I needed it!