*Pre-game dinner/margarita downing event will be held tonight at El Patron on Folsom Blvd at 7:30 PM. Lets talk a little strategy and have a good time. Come out even if you are not competing. I don't care what Rob Wolf says about drinking and performance, margaritas and carnitas chimichangas help take the edge off and get you in a perfect ready state for competition.
**Athletes traveling down to Moxie for the Grand Opening/Affiliate Throwdown should meet at CFES tomorrow morning and be ready to hit the road at 8:00 AM SHARP. We will figure out the carpool situation, pass out directions and take off. IF YOU ARE LATE, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!!! If you are not going with us, Chris will be here to run the morning classes, so come in and get your WOD on.
Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3
4 Rounds:
5 Wall Ball 2 for 1's 20/14
6 Each One Arm DB Muscle Snatch 55/30
*Athletes planning to compete in Moxies Throwdown tomorrow will warm up on back squat but will not perform max effort sets of 3. After warmup competitors should work on a skills and mobility.
(click picture to view video) Just in case you didn't see the link in the comments section, here is Matt
P's rebuttal to yesterday's video. I was wondering if anyone would go
to that website and create their own movie. For all CFES outsiders, to
Kenso somebody is to look at the white board, then game your WOD
precisely to just edge out somebody else by a second, a point, or a
pound. We aren't competitive around here or anything.