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Intent, Eliteness, and Scaling Appropriately

"The Seven"

Seven rounds for time of:
7 Handstand Push Ups
7 Thruster 135/95
7 Knees to Elbows
7 Deadlift 245/165
7 Burpees
7 KB Swings 70/53
7 Pull Ups

30 minutes = DNF and didn't understand then intent and/or your own abilities.

Hey all, just wanted to remind you that life in our gym is not all about Rx.  Every day is different and some days are appropriate for everyone to Rx, but the program in general that we put out is really only appropriate for elite CF athletes to be doing the WODs as Rx day in and day out.  We have been over and over this concept, yet it needs to be brought up again and again.

What is an elite CrossFitter?  Lets just say that if you have a sub 3:30 Fran time, a 350+ Fight Gone Bad, can run sub 6 minute miles, can snatch your body weight and you can deadlift over 2x your body weight all at the same time, you might be there.  Or how bout this.  If your name doesn't pop up on the first two pages of the regional Open stats, you aren't there yet.

The programing as Rx is designed to push the limits of ELITE CrossFit athletes which makes up less than 10% of our current membership.  Actually 10% is generous, but do the math, that means there are less than 20 elite CrossFitters in our gym and probably closer to 10.  With that said, there are at least 50 people in our gym I consider truly bad ass athletes.  It's just that many of you are knuckle heads.

Get over the idea of Rx and start thinking about intent.  WODs are designed with elite athletes in mind with a certain intensity and time domain in mind.  The volume and loads prescribed are with the intent giving elite CrossFitters the correct stimulus.  The WODs as Rx are not really even designed to suit really fit people, but are prescribed to fit the needs of extremely fit badasses.

Each WOD is supposed to pack a certain stimulus.  Today's WOD is a perfect example of one that a bunch of you will come in here with your ego's fired up and see who is the best at doing a WOD Rx that really wasn't designed with your abilities in mind.  Why is that even OK?  Because YOU are supposed to scale it. 

This WOD is at the limit of what any of the most elite CrossFit athletes should do in a training day, and it is at the outer limits of even that.  It is a test for them to see where they are at.  For you that test needs to be adjusted to fit your ability level.  If you attempt to finish this whole thing and it takes more than 25 or 30 minutes, you made the wrong choice, including the girl in the demo video on the website and she looked pretty studly.

Today's WOD is a sub 25 minute challenge, and you should scale it accordingly to make it so.  It's not like a marathon where you just keep running until you are finished.  If you turn it into that you have missed the point.  Doing this whole WOD as Rx and finishing in 35 minutes is the equivalent to finishing the marathon after they took down the finish line and everyone already went home.

What do you do?  You realize that the WOD is probably not designed for you to Rx.  You try to scale the WOD so you are at the relative intensity that an elite CrossFit athlete would be at.  You could do 7 rounds of 5 reps each, or just do 5 rounds, or even less.  You can lighten loads on lifting exercises.  You'll probably have to kip your HSPU, but even that is scaling in my world and once you do that you have scaled the WOD period. 

Even myself as a gym owner who has competed in the CrossFit Games 3 times and qualified for regionals as an indivudial the last two years in the toughest region in the world, I still scale stuff when its appropriate for me and offers a better a workout stimulus.  Some days my body isn't up for the challenge and some days the challenge can even be beyond my capabilities. 

What's my point?  Don't be caught up in the dick measuring Rx contest.  For one you won't get the most out of the program, you're likely to get hurt eventually, and last your weenie just isn't that big so you'll look like a fool.  Think about what the workout means to a badass and then make it mean the same thing to you.  If you don't understand that concept, you're gonna fall flat on your face.

Now go eat some bacon and have a good WOD today with appropriate scaling.

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