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Introducing KB Guru Darrin Lenton

3 Rounds, 1 Minute per Station
Wall Ball 20/14
Sledge Hammer 10/8
Alt DB Snatch
AirDyne Cal

As frequently as we use KBs in our program, they are still an under-utilized and very powerful tool.  We are bringing on a Kettlebell expert, Darrin Lenton to run workshops and private training groups.  Darrin has impressive knowledge of movement and specifically knowledge of KB training that we, your current coaches, do not come close to.  Basically we are bringing Darrin here because he is a great movement specialist who can bring something to the table that the rest of us cannot at this point.  The techniques taught by KB specialiasts transfer well to all other physical activities.  I look forward to learning as much from Darrin as I hope you all will.

1st workshop will be on Saturday, August 3rd from 12-2PM.  The workshop will be limited to 6 athletes and costs $25.  Click here to register.

IMG_5051My name is Darrin and I’d like to tell you what skill sets I’m bringing to the gym. I use several tools to get people stronger, out of pain, and moving optimally.  I teach Hardstyle tension technique which creates strong people in the least amount of time.  I do not practice easy reps. The methods I teach build strong people who move well and can then apply their strength any way they choose.  I also rely heavily on neuromuscular resets which build reflexive strength. Reflexive strength is the lower level, deep core strength which should happen automatically as we move.  Unfortunately, most people have serious deficits in reflexive strength which leads to submaximal performance and injury.  What I do is probably significantly different than what you are currently doing and will therefore help to make a more well rounded athlete.

I use the Functional Movement Screen to assess a person’s quality of movement and decide which exercises are appropriate for them.

I practice Neurokinetic Therapy which is a manual muscle testing technique used to determine dysfunctional muscular relationships. It allows me to confirm which muscles are inhibiting others, then eliminate the muscle imbalance right there on the spot… no guessing, no hoping it will eventually go away.  This approach gets people out of pain and using the appropriate muscles in functional patterns. This means you move more efficiently and can perform better.

I will be offering several levels of kettlebell classes.  Each class will be kept very small and will run for 3 or 4 weeks each.  We will focus on a specific set of skills in each class.  Each level will build techniques required for the next level class.  I will also be teaching weekend workshops in Hardstyle kettlebell and bodyweight technique, as well as neuromuscular resets.  Of course, I also offer personal training and semi-private sessions which will be held predominantly in the new annex at the end of the parking lot.

You can learn more about Hardstyle technique at, neuromuscular resets at, and Neurokinetic Therapy at

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