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© 2017, Norebro theme by

Bionic Jeff Frost

Squat Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

4 Rounds For Time:
Row 250
15 GHD Sit Ups


I'm 38 years old and have been riding and racing motorcycles for
about 26 years.  This sport has left me with several nagging injuries
including some extra hardware in my leg, foot and shoulder.  I found
CrossFit in February of 2009 while I was searching for body weight
exercises.  At the time, I had a broken foot and had been told by the
doctor that I can do anything as long as I wear that brace they put me
in.  At the time, the main site had a run of body weight WODs and that's
how I got started.  

In the summer of that same
year, my friend Brendhan suggested that I check out CrossFit East
Sacramento.  For the rest of 2009, I spent lots of time doing personal
training sessions with Justin as the regular class times didn't fit my
schedule.  I participated in the FGB IV event on my birthday as well as a
few other group workouts and realized how great the sense of community
is at CFES.  

At the beginning of 2010, I got
my schedule sorted out and began attending normal classes.
 Unfortunately, I tore the superior labrum in my left shoulder at the
end of 2009 and so starting out, I could only use 1 arm.  No problem,
the trainers were able to modify all the workouts for me.  2 months
later, I got to using both arms again and within 2 weeks set a PR by
almost 5 minutes on the 30 rep version of the Filthy Fifty.  Wow!  All
those 1-armed workouts obviously worked!

that said, I never have to question my fitness prior to a race no matter
the distance or temperature.  We often race in 100+ degree
temperatures.  The ability to focus on the task at hand has greatly
improved those hour long endurance race shifts.  Loading and unloading
the truck on race weekends is also greatly improved.  Also, a lot of the
nagging injuries have gone away. 

I think the
most important item of note is that my outlook on fitness has changed.
 It used to be a grind that I had to get out of the way so I was fit
enough to race.  Now it's often the highlight of my day!  

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