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Larry With A PR!

Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5-15

100 KB Swings For Time
Every time you break a set, hold superman plank for 20 seconds.

Larry has been working hard on his strength lately putting in extra bench press, deadlift and box squat sessions on his own outside of the gym.  Last Friday I took Larry through some split jerk drills focused on footwork and the split position.  We pulled out the jerk boxes, which is always a luxury for heavy overhead training, and had Larry lift in kilos to avoid having him think about the amount of weight he was lifting.  Larry is of course smart enough to convert kilos to lbs quickly, but as we worked up in weight, I had him focus on how the lifts felt vs the number and we never really though about the amount of weight he was lifting.

Larry had a previous PR of 200#, but the last time her jerked a few months back he was only good for 185.  As the weight got heavier, we continued to make small jumps and right before he went for this lift, I quickly added up the weight and figured out Larry had 95k or 209# on the bar.  The intent of the day was not to go for a PR, it was to drill the lift and to go as heavy as he could with great form.  There was a slight bobble in Larry’s lockout on this lift and I would have stopped him here for the day regardless of the weight on the bar because the intent for the day was quality vs getting a PR.  It was nice to see that by adding some raw strength and spending some time drilling the split jerk, Larry worked straight up to a new PR without having to practice the lift day after day, week after week.  Now we just got to get that lockout more accurate and aggressive and Larry will be ready to throw even more weight overhead.

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