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Strength Training is Rehab

For Time:
5 Rope Climb
50 Ab Mat Situp
4 Rope Climb
40 Ab Mat Situp
3 Rope Climb
30 Ab Mat Situp
2 Rope Climb
20 Ab Mat Situp
1 Rope Climb
10 Ab Mat Situp

Dr. Pat Penney has been with us on and off since the beginning when we opened in ’08.  Pat’s body has been through battle.  Almost 40 years of leaning over patients all day practicing dentistry has been very tough on Pat’s body and has led to shoulder and low back issues.  Years spent in disorganized posture for long hours of the day, combine with an affinity for pick up basketball (3-4x per week with guys 30 years younger) has caused Pat 2 bulging discs and has landed himself on the surgery table a few times for both shoulders.  Pat did regular classes with us for a long time, but was not managing his injuries as well as he needed to and ultimately decided that one on one coaching is where he would get the individualized approach he needed to experience the most success.

Pat has been consistently training with Travis for about the last year and things are going very well.  He has spent much time working on his mobility and posture.  Today Pat squatted deep with 110k (242#).  He is using some very light reverse bands that just zeroed out the bar at full squat depth, so about 200# in the hole and the full 242# about 3-4″ before the top of the movement where the bands were slack.  You might wonder if it is necessary or appropriate for Pat to be lifting like this.  Well it is both.  Squatting heavy creates both mid-line strength and mobility.  Since Pat still works every day, the stronger we can make him, the less likely he break down and find himslef in a bad position, and the more tolerant his body will be of a bad position when he has to spend time there.

Through careful coaching and mobility practice, Pat has learned to squat at max efforts safely and without further aggravation of pre-existing injuries.  Squatting is the king of all strength exercises in terms of its transferability to all other movements and in terms of it’s effects on your metabolism and hormones.

Remember, if you struggle with injuries, especially severe ones, group training may not always be the answer for you, but we can still help you.  Strength is never a weakness, but it is very important to learn to lift correctly, and to work on mobility and posture constantly.

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