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Level One Prep Class

Hang Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Box Jump 8 x 3 as high as possible

15-10-5 of:
Muscle Ups
Handstand Push Ups

Baby pics 016
Here we see Matt B. hitting pockets, Matt behind with solid over-head position as is Mrs. Pat Harty, Russ and Ruth both with solid back position on the way up and Todd jumping under the bar on his way to completing the snatch. This is what it is about kids… GREAT JOB!

Saturday was an awesome class letting those who attended get a glimpse of what a L1 test would be like. Some interesting questions were raised as well as some strengths and weaknesses exposed. Overall, I think the feedback has been positive and I will continue this every so often so we can ensure a solid opportunity and motivation for Foundation members to improve. A few weeks ago, I noticed some members that simply need to take the level one test. So the idea to host this prep class and see how many of you would take this seriously. Without a doubt you guys did, those that showed are very close to taking the L1 test. If you are thinking you want to be a part of this group… the next meeting will be held Saturday the 8th of October at 8AM. SHOW UP!
Here are what I see you guys need to practice more than anything to date.

Burgner Warm-Up
Hang Power Clean
Hang Power Snatch
Double Unders
Over Head Squat Depth

Since we don't practice these on a daily basis, it is imperative that you watch the videos, come in and practice a few rounds with PVC,Oly bar and ask a coach a few pointers each and every time you come in the gym. Once those weaknesses improve… you should schedule your test with Justin, Travis or myself and take your training to the next level.

One question was asked by Scott, it was a great question. He said, "What is the advantage of someone like myself taking this test and getting in to level 1?" (Sorry if not exact quote) This question is great as many of you workout plenty hard in foundations. Here is the reason: You all need to recognize that foundations copies the WOD from the previous days L1 class. Typically they are the same with a few less reps, weight or time. However, there are many things that are eliminated entirely. We want greater focus to be on the fundamentals. Squat Cleans are almost always reduced to Hang Power Cleans, Split Jerk is reduced to Push-Jerk and Chippers are often simplified as to make sure foundations can all accomplish them. Ask yourself why you are here. It should be the same goal of any Crossfitter, to achieve greater fitness. We never expect everyone in the gym to Dead-lift 2x their body-weight, Jerk 1.5x or be able to complete "Angie". But we do expect everyone to work toward there maximum potential. I guarantee you will surprise yourself if you shoot for Level 1.

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  1. Sean T.

    Anyone doing Barbells for Boobs this year?

  2. EricH

    Last week’s L1-prep class was outstanding and having Derick there was great — he knows his stuff and helped me/us with all sorts of things. Funny how a lot of the pointers that I was getting, things that I wasn’t doing quite right, I remember Brooke was telling me the same stuff in OnRamp … slow learner :-/
    I’m in for Saturday …

  3. Jamie P

    I’ll be there Saturday for the Level 1 Prep Class. Thanks for doing it again!!!

  4. Matt B, looks good except for the douche bag shoulders which you were able to fix today on many of the reps.
    For the rest of you, douche bag shoulders is the position most of you sit in front of your computer or drive your car. The shoulder joint is floating our in front of the rib cage. The shoulder has lots of play and give in this position which is not good when trying to create force from the hip joint. This position will also encourage softness in the thoracic spine.
    Get your shoulders back on the shelf and unleash more hip potential. Think of squeezing pencils in the back of your arm pits. Pinching your triceps to your lats will put the shoulder in a solid non-stretch position.
    Sorry Matt for throwing you under the bus on this one, but its a great teaching point, and a piece of the Oly puzzle that many of our athletes could do better on.

  5. Shem Stygar

    How does squeezing your shoulders back release more hip potential?
    By the way phenomenal workout yesterday, I’ve been feeling it all day.

  6. thanks for putting on the L1 prep class again! I’ll be there this Sat.
    I had to correct my DB shoulders while reading this thread. 🙂

  7. Derek W

    Thanks, Eric…glad I could make a difference! It helps to hear/try this stuff again and again…practice makes better, that’s why we drill it.

  8. Squeezing pencils in the back of your arm pits…now that’s a new trick to try!

  9. matt brogan

    Glad I could take one for the team….
    Justin- thanks for the help today. Any advice that keeps me from being a douchebag is greatly appreciated.

  10. Funny how double unders make the list. It seems so simple, but the most I can do in a row is 8. And man do those metal ropes hurt. I look like a tiger after today’s warmup with 50 double unders. It is a skill that must be practiced. You cannot “will” it or “muscle” it.