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Lifting Light for Greater Output!

AMRAP 20 Minutes:
5 Muscle Ups
15 Air Squats

ClownMany of you have spent a significant amount of time here at CrossFit East Sac! For those who haven't? Listen closely to your coaches and ask them how to properly scale a wod for maximum output! 

Don't be that person who wants to Rx every wod!  Think Output vs. Rx?  How are you going to maximize your output during this wod?  Answer: Don't Rx if it is going to bury you!  Remember, wod's are designed for the elite CrossFitter, they are intended to be scaled for most of us.

Justin and Travis truly research, test and experiment personally with the programs utilized in our facility! So pay attention!  If you have plateaued, or even dropped a bit from a previous PR, you have now earned the responsibility of lifting for output vs. Rx!  Eventually this will help you break through some plateaus. 

Ask yourself each and every wod… what is the optimum output I can expect?

Perfect example: Yesterday's wod was a 10 min AMRAP. 25 Push Press and 50 Double Unders 75#/53#. Your goal should be 6+ rounds, finishing each round around 1:30-1:45 per round!  If an elite CrossFitter could do 6+ rounds, you should too!  If you had to stop moving during the wod, thus reducing your output… perhaps you should have chosen a lighter weight or used a heavy rope as opposed to double unders. (Journal or mental notes should say, use strength training or practice double unders) 

In the end, lifting for greater output will lead to greater fitness!  If you lift lighter during wod's like these, your output will jump through the roof, your likelihood for injury will decrease immensely, and your probability of Rx'ing some of these wods down the road with proper output will increase!

Schedule a consultation with a coach if you would like further personal assistance on how to scale your workouts!

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  1. brother mike

    And by research, test and experiment, he means Travis pulls a card from the Hopper deck, looks at it, says this doesn’t look miserable enough and makes it worse.
    I think there were a few Crossfit of the Future episodes about this, many of which involved making your taint the strongest part of your body. If only we could get a Crossfit of the Future episode . . . .

  2. Shem

    Good post Lene, thanks for the reminder.

  3. brother mike

    Happy Birthday Trey Teller!

  4. Justin, Travis: it might be helpful if you posted the goal (e.g., “six rounds”) along with the WOD.

  5. brother mike

    Programming comments from Episode 5 of Matt P.’s Crossfit of the Future.