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Mastering the 3rd Pull

Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3

Every Minute on the Minute for 8 Minutes:
10 Jumping Squats 45# bar on back
10 Chest Slapping Push Ups

Picture 2
The most critical factor in the ability to clean heavy weight is a well timed pull under the bar known as the 3rd pull.  As soon as the hips finish extension (the 2nd pull) you got to be yanking your ass under that bar.  You can not hang out at the top of the movement for even a fraction of a second with heavy weight, you got to move.  Travis is shown here aggressively pulling himself back down much faster than gravity alone could take him to receive the bar.  He is a blur of downward speed and will make this 255# power clean easily.  Notice how close he is with the bar.  If the bar were far out in front of him, he would have a weak and slow 3rd pull.  Timing that aggressive shrug under, staying close with the bar, and committing to putting your shoulders in front of the bar to receive it are the reasons some people can clean so much weight.  Think about making the most aggressive change of direction at the top of your hip extension by shrugging and pulling violently under the bar, not by shrugging and pulling the bar upward.  If you can do this effectively, you will probably hit a 3 rep max higher that your current 1 rep max.

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