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Mastering The Thruster

For Time:
500m Row
50 Pull Ups
400m Row
40 Pull Ups
300m Row
30 Pull Ups
200m Row
20 Pull Ups
100m Row
10 Pull Ups

Coach's Eye Thruster Tip from CrossFit East Sac on Vimeo.

This video shows and discusses a major movement flaw that is often seen in the thrusters with beginners and even more experienced CrossFitters. The thruster starts with a solid front squat and finishes by driving the bar to the overhead position in a single movement. The problem we see is the athlete pressing the bar up off the shoulders before the hips can finish driving it up.

When doing thrusters it is crucial to keep the bar, or dumbells connected to the body for as long as possible. Start with a good solid squat with the knees out, chest up, and heels down. Then be patient and concentrate on the feeling of driving the bar up in the air with the hips and legs. At the instant the bar jumps off the shoulders a well timed trade off to pressing with the shoulders and arms will keep the bar moving up. An early press off the shoulders will cause the body to lean forward, the bar to drift forward, and the lifter will have to use excessive upperbody strength to finish the movement.

Be patient and focus on the jump at the top of the movement, and you will lift more on max efforts, and you will tire out less on high rep sets during metcons.

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