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Merry Christmas

Rest Day

‘Twas the day before Christmas, and all through the box
People were doing their WOD, racing the clocks.
Trainers were coaching the members with care,
As “f*ck,” “sh*t” and “Jesus” were heard everywhere.

We took on a chipper, one that everyone dreads
As visions of pukie danced in our heads.
And I in my ponytail, (my friends in theirs too)
Doing my best to keep pushing on through.

Locking my abs so my form wouldn’t be poor
Wondering if I had anything more,
When what to my grateful eyes should appear
But a trainer with encouragement that I hold so dear.

He spoke kind words, saying it’s just his work
Getting me focused on that clean and jerk.
Kettle bells, pull-ups and back squats as well,
Keeping me organized so that I’d excel.

A master at his craft, there can be no debate,
And kindness of heart with which few can equate.
And I heard him exclaim ‘ere he drove out of sight
I’ll see you tomorrow, but stretch well tonight!

It was pretty nutts in here yesterday.  The WOD was fun and punishing at the same time.  I looked at that WOD on .com and thought to myself, here is a hero WOD that doesn't seem too ridiculous.  I figured it would be one of the easier hero's.  Should have known better.  The wall balls were just punishing and running with a plate is about as awkward as it comes.  Thanks to everyone for your cooperation and dilligence in helping us stay organized and run a mass of you through the WOD in a timely fashion.

Merry Christmas to all of you!  Have a great weekend, see you Monday.

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