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Mobility Tools

Its a Rest Day, but it shouldn’t be a day off.

Rest day means you give your body rest from high impact, heavy, high intensity stuff.  You still can get in some recreation and you should be doing some mobility practice.  In the world of improving yourself, you can take a rest day, but you shouldn’t take a day off.

We are always making posts and harping on you guys about mobility practice.  Hopefully some of you are getting the hint.  If you think you can come in here with all your pre-existing junk and bad posture, redline your engines, then go back to your desk or couch without giving your body some extra love, you’re setting yourself up to fail.

We all have junky joints, posture problems, and muscle dysfunction.  Learning to move properly is a huge part of the solution, but learning to move will be much easier if you alleviate some of the restricted tissues that you have.

I wanted to share with you guys a couple of the new toys I picked up at regionals last month, the Gemini and the VooDoo Floss Tape.  I have been using these during warmups and at home in the evenings and have seen substantial change in my achy junky stuff that has allowed me to continue to train hard, and to improve my movement quality.  I highly recommend both of these products.  You can of course sub the double lacrosse ball for the Gemini and fillet a bicycle tire for the VooDoo Tape, and I have tried both, but the results are better with the real deal.

voodoo-floss-band-th1_1   gemini-th2
Click images to buy these products on

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