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Next Time You’re On The Pot

For Time:
Run 3x (200+400+600)
Rest exactly the length of the interval (i.e. 200m=35 seconds rest 35 seconds, 400m=1:20 rest 1:20, etc.)
Row 3x (250+500+750)
Same Protocol

Rest 5 Minutes

4 Rounds:
3 Muscle Ups
5 Unbroken Hang Clean and Jerk 55/35 DB's
7 Unbroken Knees To Elbows
(Advanced may scale up to 5,7,9)

 If you are having trouble finding time in your day to stretch, then you no longer have any excuses. Lean forward and grab on to your left foot with your right hand. Arch your back and pull upwards to stretch the right side of your back. Switch sides. Brought to you by

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  1. Brian

    Looking at today’s wod. One must get through the warm up in about 15 min as the wod will take some time to get through. 3-2-1 GO!! Looks like fun!!

  2. Brother mike

    Isn’t the first part Tosh?

  3. Ha! I did this stretch this morning! Naturally there was a little contract/relax PNF thing going on.

  4. Functional movement has some subtleties I had not appreciated before today.

  5. TMI Justin!
    Just when you feel like you got your teeth kicked in (I did the run and a few failed MU attempts today) someone picks you up off the floor and gives you just what you need to get back up and come back for more. I am so thankful for this community!
    Sorry for the bad attitude at Ocho this morning and the mushiness right now. I’ll flush it down the toilet and be back for more tomorrow.

  6. With toilets as a topic, I recommend all cavemen use this modified paleo chair on the pot.
    First, buy one of these
    Then, use as such

    Your bathroom time just got more productive. You’re welcome.

  7. Scott, my apologies for laughing but you have to agree Jen’s comment yesterday was funny. I mean she was genuinely disappointed. I’ve only read the beginning and the end of the article, it’s long and it’s difficult/impossible to find a correlation to CF without any explanation. As to the state of our education and culture I agree, it’s depressing.
    Today’s post demonstrates just that – we hardly ever have the time to give a damn about our education, culture or stretching… our lives almost don’t belong to us. How about that for a bathroom topic, eh?

  8. Olga: Jen R. is an English teacher. I’ve learned not to take them lightly. But you have my blessings to find humor wherever you may. I know I do.
    For what’s it worth, I did provide an explanation (check yesterdays post).
    John: Outstanding!

  9. Wow, I think I could PR my morning dump with that contraption. Looks like you could get some serious leverage.

  10. So, we’re forging elite pooping now?

  11. Justin: actually I have to disagree here. I think it would impede the normal flow.
    Sabrina: yes.

  12. Jennifer R.

    Ok. So I read your explanation and your blog post, Scott. I see your point about discipline, I just don’t agree with either Bloom or Bork. Bloom I have read cover to cover. I think he was a grumpy old man. I have worked with young people for twenty years and even used to be one once (at least chronologically), and I have no doom and gloom to share about their discipline. Many are pretty amazing–doing far more than their elders can imagine.
    Popular culture is no more degenerate than it ever was. The flavor just changed and some people feel left out.
    Now let us get back to important topics: congrats on the poop PR, Justin. Ass moves mass!

  13. Jennifer R.

    Hmmm. I see I commented prematurely. Justin hasn’t actually PR’d in the porcelain arena.
    No matter. With new equipment and positioning, it is only a matter of time.