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Olympic Lifting Class Starts This Saturday!

"Helen" CrossFit Sacramento fitness exercise
3 Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Pull Ups


Why Oly lift?  Olympic style weightlifters are the quickest athletes on the planet.  What better way can you think of to measure overall strength, than the amount of weight you can pick up off the floor and raise overhead?  The snatch, the clean, and the jerk are essential elements of the CrossFit program.  These lifts have the highest potential for power output of any exercises.  Developing proficiency in these movements has greater benefit to overall athleticism than any other movements known to man.  These lifts are unparalleled in terms of developing strength, flexibility, agility, balance, accuracy, coordination, speed and power ALL AT THE SAME TIME!  Attaining a level of mastery of these lifts will allow you to get much more out of the CrossFit program, they are a lot of fun, and you they won't turn you into a big ol' beast.  When we have met con WOD's involving these lifts, many athletes new to the lifts do not have the ability to use significant loads, and their form is lacking.  Spending some extra time practicing these lifts and learning to go heavy will allow you to use more weight, attain a higher power output while doing a conditioning style workout, and therefore get a greater benefit from the workout.

Olympic Lifting Classes will be held every Saturday from 12:00-2:00PM.  We will be kicking it off by learning the basics of the most daunting of exercises, the snatch.  Come by and start honing those skills.  This sessions will be highly beneficial and lots of fun. 

Check out this video of the world record clean and jerk, 580lbs.  Don't worry, Olympic lifting will not make you look like this guy.  He is a born specimen.  

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