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On the 12th Day of CrossFit…

“12 Days of CrossFit” (this year’s version)

Perform the following movements in the same manner you would sing the Christmas carol the 12 Days of Christmas.  So you will climb the rope once.  Then do 2 clean and jerks and a rope climb.  Then do 3 pull ups, 2 clean and jerks, and a rope climb.  And so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on…..

1) Rope Climb
2) Clean and Jerk 95/135  PRx=185/115
3) Pull Ups PRx=Muscle Ups
4) Push Ups PRx=Handstand Push Ups
5) ea. Sledge Hammer Strikes
6) Sandbag Lunges 80/50
7) Double Unders PRx=Heavy Rope DU’s
8) KB Swing 53/35 PRx=70/53
9) Toes to Bar
10) Candle Stick Roll PRx=Alt Candle Stick to Pistol
11) Box Jump Over 24/20
12) Thrusters 95/135 PRx=185/115

Here is an old school video from our second Christmas at the box, doing a version of this WOD.  We swore we’d never do this to people again after this year, but here we are on our 6th Christmas and we are still dishing it out.  Scale appropriately, have fun, and never give up!!!

We did a version of the 12 days workout on Christmas Eve. It was heinous. Took most people close to an hour to complete, but we had a great time.

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