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Pardon the Interruption

20 Min AMRAP
Handstand Hold
Hollow Rock Hold
Chin Over the Bar Hold
L-Sit Hold
30 Seconds at Each Station 

Rest as needed to maintain good form.  Your total "active" time must total 30 seconds before going on the next rotation.  In other words… if you some jack ass puts anything more than 9 or 10 rounds… we are likely to call BULLSHIT! Transition time, form breakdown etc.  Really test yourself and make sure you push through this.  This is an excellent recovery wod considering we have absolutely killed you guys the past few days!  

For some strange reason the blog posts have been cranky these past two days. Sorry about the goofy posts not going through.  Blank posts and yesterday's literally wouldn't post at all until I posted the WOD from my iPhone. (Matt P. BOO HOO! FYI Justin had the same problem a few days ago with type pad being the reason, but thanks for reading it anyway) That said, let's try this again.  

Level 1 Promotion!!!
Two days ago, I noticed 4 individuals in foundations class that clearly need to prep and take the LEVEL 1 test.  I would like to encourage anyone who feels they are close, to ask any coach if they feel they need a little extra help. Take a look at the Level 1 Testing material on our blog sight by CLICKING HERE. If you are a level 1 athlete here at CFES, look around at the foundations class and take note of solid Foundations athletes that might be sandbagging a little and offer up some encouragement.  Just throw a one liner out there way asking why they haven't tested in to level 1 yet. The point of Level of Foundations is to practice your skills and become proficient at the basic moves of Crossfit.  The program won't truly take flight until you achieve a level that will push you beyond your current ability.  So I am speaking specifically to the members who are scared to step up and take the level one test.  Those of you who really belong in foundations, there is a good chance you are already being pushed beyond your ability.  Hence, you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing and progress is certainly in your future.  Essentially, I am saying… you know who you are! Take the damn test and come join us at level 1. TOPHER, RENA, STEVE, DEREK!  You guys need to review this stuff and see where your weakness is.  Then go out and smash that weakness, take your test and get'r done!

Good luck to all who step up to this challenge.  Contact if you are interested in attending a LEVEL 1 Seminar which will help prepare you for this test.  Questions, skill building and Mock Test will be held Next Saturday at 9am to see where you stack up.  Attendance will only cost 10 bucks and this money will go to help the pay for the brunch we will walk over and get after.  Just a fun gathering and good way to get some extra coaching.   

Take another look at Justin and Travis who spent a tremendous amount of time making these videos.  I feel that should use these as there teaching videos.  Here is one of the many, so again I stress. CLICK HERE! so you can see all of the test material and watch these videos.  Justin has conveniently posted the exact times of each video so you can locate what you feel you need the most work on.  Look over the blog post and check it out!


Squat Proficiency Test from CrossFit East Sac on Vimeo.

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  1. Donna

    i’ll sign up for the seminar!

  2. Brian P

    The seminar should be great — take advantage of it. The instructional videos are also really well done. Everything you need to pass the test is on this site — do some homework and join us in Level 1. Amid the pain, we have a great time. Push yourself — that is what you are here for.

  3. EricH

    OK, so here’s something I’ve wondered for a while. Would it be better to do Foundations 5 days a week or L1 3 days a week? Intensity/Difficulty or Volume?

  4. Jim Romagnano

    Thanks so much for letting me work out at your box yesterday, I feel like a bad ass crossfitter now, working out in Northern California. You guys really made me feel welcome and I hope I didn’t emabaress my box. Thanks again and hopefully soon you’ll have some T-shirts!

  5. Calvin

    Jim – it was great to meet you. Thanks for visiting CFES. Please remind me the name of the NJ box to which you belong. You didn’t embarrass your box, but I hope I didn’t embarrass my 6am’ers.

  6. brother mike

    I’m no expert on this, but . . .
    If you’ve been in foundations for a year . . . You might be ready for the Level 1 test.
    If you zone out during the Bergener warm up and Justin doesn’t yell at you because you are still doing it right .. . You might be ready for the Level 1 test.
    If the only thing slowing you down on wallballs is the fear of catching a 20# med ball with your face . . . You might be ready for the Level 1 test.
    If you find yourself Rxing every foundations work out . . . You might be ready for the level 1 test.
    If you have ever had a five minute conversation about snatch and didn’t giggle the whole time . . . You might be ready for the Level 1 test.

  7. Nov marks my 1 year at CFES. As long as I test out at 11 months 30 days, I won’t be ridiculed, right? Seriously though, it’s been a great journey from total newbie to Rx’ing many workouts. Helping new people transition in is a total pleasure! So, going to call it publicly, at the end of Oct. I will take my level 1 test.
    Also wondering about 5x/wk Foundations and 3x/wk Level 1. Would those couple extra rest days be wise when getting started in L1?

  8. I catch medicine balls with my face… What’s the problem? I catch barbells with my face at super training when I miss my bench… Medicine balls are like pillows to me.

  9. Alice

    Crossfit Durango CO: Elizabeth 13:22 RX. Altitude is a bitch.

  10. brother mike

    With Justin away the mice will play . . . The nooners were treated to New Kids on the Block’s ” The Right Stuff” today. Which reminds me- Matt P saw NKOTB in concert.

  11. Lesley Heller

    anyone catch the national news last nite on CH 3. They showed FGD at a Texas CF. It was great to see on the tube.

  12. If anyone is interested in stepping out of their comfort zone there is an Open Water swim at Folsom lake tomorrow and you can registrer there. info: http:/
    5k starts at 8:30am, 1 mile starts at 11:30am, 1/2 mile starts at 12:30pm.

  13. Angela Picco

    Count me in for the seminar. Thanks for doing that!
    And, another plug for scheduling 5:30pm Level 1 classes Monday through Thursdays??

  14. John Carey- take the L1 test ASAP, then you need to come to the L1 class and do what’s on the board. It never gets easier, you just get faster.

  15. thanks Matt P. That’s pretty straightforward 🙂

  16. It’s great to hear from you and see what you’ve been up to. In your blog I feel your enthusiasm for life. thank you.