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Pre and Post WOD Fueling

AMRAP 20 Minutes:
5 Pull Up
10 Push Up
15 Air Squat


 In the CrossFit community, nutrition is a highly debated topic. Zone or Paleo? High Carb or Low Carb? No matter what side, pre and post workout is usually something we can all agree upon. If you don't consume something within half an hour after your WOD, then you may be halting your recovery. With less recovery you will be more sore and less likely to come in to workout the next day. If you are wondering what you should eat and when, then here are some tips from two men who have been training and prescribing nutrition to athletes for years:


Robb Wolf’s recommendations:

For those interested in what to eat after a workout, here’s some insight taken straight from the Paleolithic Solutions seminar:

“After exercise we have a phenomenon called ‘non insulin mediated glucose transport”. It’s a period of time in which we can fly glucose and amino acids into the muscle without much insulin AND we improve recovery. For large WODs we can shift upwards of 50% of the day’s carbs into the Post Workout (PWO) period. The optimum time for this is less than 15 minutes PWO, it’s still good at 30 min, and almost back to baseline by an hour. Timing is critical if you want the most from this!

Might help with fat loss… might not. Be clear about GOALS!

  1. Athletic maintenance at 14-17 cals/lb
  2. Strength WOD: 25-50 g Protein & Fat or Carb (need to lean? gain?)
  3. “Big” WOD: 25-50 g Protein, 50-75g Carbs
  4. “Little” WOD: 25-50g Protein & Carb
  5. Multiple sessions? Throw some in after both WODS.”

Obviously it is up to you to experiment with different PWO options to find what works best for you, to meet your specific goals. 

OPT’s recommendations:

James Fitzgerald  (OPT – of Optimum Performance Training in Calgary, winner of the 2007 CrossFit Games) provides Pre- and Post-Workout recommendations based on the volume and intensity of the workout and your bodyfat percentage.
Pre-WOD Fueling rx’d.

This is VERY individualized, VERY. Depends on your schedule, your digestion ability, the WOD, etc. But, for “general” purposes, I will give some scenarios.
A – your WOD is Fran (or any high power output/gassy WOD), and you are doing it at 5 pm. I would suggest eating your last meal around 1 pm to 2 pm at latest. Between this time, you only consume fluids (caffeine anyone?), and supplements if you so choose. You get to the gym at 4-4:30 pm, begin warm-up and anticipate the oncoming pain. The empty gut will benefit you immensely for these high power output WOD’s. Pretty much if the WOD is going to kick your ass, then you had better make sure that you are running light on the food (3hr+ post)and heavy on the motivation.

B – if you are doing the same WOD at 6 am. Wake-up, warm-up, and get’er done. Fluids, such as Ultima, or some kind of electrolyte may be beneficial to YOU. If you are eating, make sure it is not much more than what you could pick from your teeth following a handful of cashews, as it will only be coming right back up – if the WOD is done correctly. At this time, warm-up is even more important.

C – your WOD is Deadlift, 1-1-1-1-1-1-1. Bring your lunch pale and do as you please. Whether done in the AM/PM, eating food will not affect your performance, as this is a CNS WOD.

D – if the WOD is A1/A2/B1/B2 style, with short rest times, moderate (or more) amount of sets and reps, then you would want to follow the advice from Scenario’s A & B (shown above).

Post-WOD Fueling rx’d.

The sooner the better, in most cases. The rx’d numbers are based on everyone’s BF% b/c its all I know about those who post…outside of that there are WAY too many factors for determining EXACTLY what you need post WOD except to say “experiment” and play with it…but i would be happy to answer questions regarding this on the daily posts about your own situation the best I can…

I’d suggest for those that are “blocking” to experiment as I’ve done with a lot of folks and do not count your post workout fuel in the day allotment for a few reasons, one of which is that this is the time to play with that…and secondly…I’ve found it a little better for recovery with the various exposures you’ll get here…that is different that other recommendations simply b/c it is different training…that’s all.

As for fat, the research shows that it might help in post WOD nutrition…Di Pasquale tried hard to tell Charles that but I’m in Poliquin’s camp that the leaner the person is, you basically load them up with as much sugar as they can handle without messing up the daily insulin rhythm post WOD…as it yields so many good results…for example, I Rx up to 80-100 g carbs post WOD for an 8% athlete being trained for their sport under CF methodology…and they STILL take on 12-15 carb blocks per day…so yes, that is 10 blocks post WOD plus 12-15 in day…and they gain mass and have better 5K runs, DL x 1, 2K rows and max chin ups…and I think it is due to the leanness and the uptake ability..this changes of course the fatter you get…BIG TIME… so stay lean…as nothing tastes as good as being lean feels!

Options - If you can handle dairy protein post workout, then that is likely you best option, in powder form. This is depending on the workout. If the workout is not a gasser (i.e. Deadlift, 5-5-5-5-5, 180 sec + some other strength work) then eating a balanced PFC meal of whole food will be fine. If it is a sweaty WOD, then follow the rx’d post WOD fueling, trying to hit the number of rx’d protein and carbs, with minimal fat (Refuel + Jarrow or Dream Whey – from OPT Store is a great combo to meet the requirements).

Best Protein Options - Hormone free whey (dairy) protein isolate, goat protein isolate, leaner cuts of meat (chicken, turkey, deer, elk, beef, etc.), organic yogurt + whey protein. There are lots of options (especially in the OPT Logbook). As long as the source is CLEAN, and the protein is COMPLETE (i.e. not vege based), then you will be fine – just select the right amount.

Best Carb Options - some kind of sugar (i.e. Maltodextrin – Refuel) works well for the harder WOD’s, organic Yam/Sweet potatoes are fine too. Apple sauce, pineapple, pretty much any fruit/high starch vege will be fine. Just pay attention to how you feel an hour or two later (energy, cognitive ability, digestion issues?, etc. – be aware). If you do experience any negative effects from your food choice – protein or carb, then it would be wise to find out what caused it, and avoid it for the time being because it is impeding your recovery – which is most important. Again, whatever you choose, keep it clean – just select the correct amount.”

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  1. Who’s the blonde with the Carnation Good Start? And where do chocolate shakes fit into the equation?

  2. Choco shakes (and Shamrock shakes this time of year) are the base of all nutrition pyramids.

  3. More Ovaltine please…if you know what I mean.
    Aaron these so called “experts” aren’t Crossfit. How can we take fitness advice from the likes of outsiders?

  4. brother mike

    At some point I will read this whole post. I originally thought Blake wrote it because it was so verbose. Then I saw it was about diet and realized it had to be Aaron.
    Blake, don’t we all take a very Aristotelian view of fitness and diet? Crossfit looks at so many different disciplines to find fitness, why would we not do the same for diet? I am just waiting for the macrobiotic vegan seaweed diet post.

  5. Blake: from the sublime to the ridiculous. Nice work.
    Mike: the rational approach only works if people, are, well, rational.
    Aaron: nice try.

  6. And by the way, for those of you having a laugh at the “sports aerobics” (that’s you XTWP!) have you ever noticed how fit professional dancers are?

  7. brother mike

    Scott, it’s the fitness that draws most of us to the professional dancers. No one is going to make it rain for a dancer who can’t shake it without stopping for a rest break . . .

  8. Was actually being sarcastic, bruthah. I’ll have to do a better job of making that more clear. That is actually a poke at Justin who *sarcastically* likes to note that James Fitzgerald (whose program Aaron and I prescribe to) does not do “CrossFit” but rather “fitness”–as if there were a difference. I think I was actually backing your point that these lines do not exist.

  9. EricH

    Great post Aaron … very cool.
    “the leaner the person is, you basically load them up with as much sugar as they can handle without messing up the daily insulin rhythm post WOD”
    That’s all well and good, but how would you actually determine that your insulin rhythm had been affected without blood glucose/insulin meter? Do I need to raid grandpa’s diabetes stash now?

  10. Donna

    @ Scott: I completely agree. Professional dancers are crazy fit and strong, flexible and have great stamina. They’re really very similar to gymnasts.
    That routine was pretty funny (they looked like ballet dancers on speed), but you have to give them props for it. They didn’t end it by falling to the ground and throwing up, like I think most of us would have. It’s actually pretty challenging to push yourself that hard without letting form and technique falter.
    Kinda brings back memories of the 220 double-unders that I did one at a frickin’ time at the throwdown after a 1M run and 75 burpees. Technique and form just go out the window when you’re tired, and can make or break your performance!

  11. xenia

    Our Masters Women 60+ Rock!!! A big congrats to Judi,Lesley and Claudia:))

  12. Congrats to CFES Team- looks like 26th Place in NorCal.
    CFES B Team is sitting in 48th in NorCal.
    Great job everyone… Now, I dont want to even here a word that rhymes with burpees for the rest of the Open.

  13. brother mike

    I have a math question/observation about the Wolff recommendation above. The PWO period meal of 14-17 cal/lb seems to be off- this would lead to a 2800-3400 calorie meal for a 200# athlete- that is a daily calorie total unless I am really doing something wrong (and actually quite a few calories more than old guys with shitty metabolic rates can eat and not look like the before picture for Jared from the Subway commercials).

  14. Jessica

    Thanks for the nutrition posts, Aaron! I, for one, find them very useful… keep ’em coming 🙂