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Pride is Forever!

Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3-3

5 Rounds:
10 Clapping Push Ups
10 Cycle Jumps

This picture was stolen from the CrossFit Games website.  It represents just one example of how our "little gym" represented this weekend (count 3 pink tanks in just one heat).  There is nothing short of the word "pride" to describe how I feel about this community that we have created.  I am so proud of how you all performed this weekend, so proud of how many competed, so proud of how many of our members came out to support us, proud all of your accomplishments and growth and PR's, proud of how you all support one another and everyone else from the other facilities, proud to be part of such an amazing community of CrossFitters, proud of how awesome all of your technique looked, proud to have young and not as young competing together against the best athletes in the world, proud to have more athletes participating than any gym in any section, proud that just as many of our women showed up to do battle as our men, proud (and very lucky) than my beautiful woman performed like an absolute rockstar, and so proud of so many things that all of you should feel just as prideful about. (I could do this all day, but you get the point.)

CrossFit was the catalyst that helped create CFES, and CFES is my wildest dream that I never would have thought could come true, and all of you are the people who make this possible.  This weekend was a pinnacle for me and for this business, and I know I say that every time, but it really is from the heart and it really is true.  There is nothing like competing in the sport of fitness, except for maybe leading an army of warriors to compete in the very same event.

I have watched every single one of our athletes who entered this competition push themselves far beyond their comfort zones to new heights.  Travis had a great quote on the whiteboard in the gym all last month from Mark Rippetoe regarding putting yourself in the position of attempting to achieve something that you don't know if you can really accomplish, and how that type of predicament brings about much more than just wellness from your training.  I wish I had the exact quote right now, but I do not.  Everyone one of you who spent the last couple months focused on competing in this event has made leaps and bounds beyond what is normally humanly possible.  This effort will have a permanent effect on you abilities, your self-esteem, and your sense well being.  For us as your coaches, there is nothing that could be more gratifying.  Thank you all for all you have done for us and for all of your endless supply of effort.  Maybe its just luck, or maybe destiny, but either way pure it is awesomeness.

-Now on a less sentimental note, you can view the results from this weekend here, although I am not sure everything is finalized at this point.  Mega congrats to Brooke who qualified for Southwest Regionals, you are a super stud girl, and we are super lucky to have you on board as one of our coaches.

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