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NCS Update

First day of competing is over.  The North Cal Sectional is now the largest ever CF competition, other than the Affiliate Cup at the 2009 Games, with over 400 athletes competing.  The facility is amazing, and the WODs were awesome, but unfortunately, the people running the high school are idiots.  The crow control is recockulous and the spectating was horrible from the bleachers.  The CF'er persistently took over the field throughout the day, and by the very end of the day we were getting closer to the action (still watching one event peeking over the top of a fence.)

All 22 of our athletes who competed did a fantastic job.  Most everyone greatly out-performed themselves.  The competition out here is fierce as we expected and is quite a sight to see.  CFES girls represented hard again with the berry pink tanks.  We don't know for sure at this point exactly who will move on to tomorrow, but I was told that if a competitor is in within 100 points of 20th place they will be competing.  We haven't even had time to go over all the scores yet. 

There will be more on this event Sunday night and throughout the week, but we have to eat and sleep and get ready to do this all again in the morning.

If you took pictures please get them to me immediately.  I am also hoping there is some video.  I want to put together some videos, and slide shows right away and I don't want your great shots to get left out.  Please put any useful media (it is very helpful when you edit your 300 pictures down to 40-50 good ones) on a disk or drive and get it to me. 

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