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Primal Challenge Winner!!!

In Teams of 3, Split Work As Needed:
90 Cal Row (in 15 cal increments)
90 Thruster 95/65
90 Box Jump Over 24/20″
90 Thrusters 95/65
90 Box Jump Over 24/20″
90 Cal Row (in 15’s)

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words! It’s quite an honor to be chosen as the “winner” of this challenge, although I feel everyone who participated is equally as eligible!
I want to take a minute and elaborate on what Travis mentioned about my medical history…

Several weeks before beginning this challenge, I was diagnosed with an endocrine disorder called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Common symptoms include irregular or absent menstrual cycles, acne, excess hairgrowth, and insulin resistance. Worst of all, it can make it pretty difficult to conceive and carry a baby to full term. Receiving this diagnosis was devastating to say the least.

I did my research, however, and discovered that many women with PCOS have had incredible success normalizing their hormone levels naturally through diet and exercise alone. I found a ton of information about the relationship between PCOS and the CrossFit/Paleo world, and it left me feeling very encouraged!

Two weeks into the challenge, I had my first menstrual cycle in a year. On top of that, my skin started clearing up. If that isn’t evidence enough to adopt a clean lifestyle, I don’t know what is.

I definitely plan to continue eating this way, and I’m very hopeful that my body will continue to heal itself. Who knows, maybe in a few years I’ll have a little one of my own!

Thank you so much to Travis for putting together this challenge, and thank you to everyone who participated. I’ve loved collaborating with you all on the Facebook group (especially all the pictures of yummy food!). I look forward to hearing more about everyone else’s success with this challenge!

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