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Pump up the Volume!!!!

EMOTM 15 Minutes Perform:
1 Squat Clean and Jerk @90% 1RM

We all have those moments during a workout when we feel like we can't finish or the task ahead it too grueling to keep going. When I hit that wall I try and take my mind someplace else and usually I'll find myself wrapped up in the music. To most CrossFitters, music is inspirational during a workout. It can do amazing things for us when we need to get pumped up, get through a grueling WOD or just grind through the tasks set before us! If you are plowing through your hardest WOD you can think of, what would be your song of choice to do that too? You know its funny because I like such a wide spectrum of music. I really like it all as long as its LOUD!!!! A great song that I LOVE is All The Things That I've Done by the Killers. I've linked the awesome Nike commercial with that song. If that doesn't get you fired up maybe you're more into this or another great one that I know my ladies will love is Pump up the Jam. Hahaha! It can really be anything that gets you going. I want to know what song gets you pissed, fired up, inspired or straight up just fuels you? Life is so much better with music. If your comment has anything to do with Hannah Montana, Justin Beiber (however you spell that shit), or Disney musicals please keep that shit to yourself.

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  1. Uncool… I was gonna say how when I WOD at home, A Whole New World goes blasting away on my speakers. That shit is so L.E.G.I.T.

  2. Alice K.

    Well then, I guess i have no comment. I don’t appreciate being discriminated against because I have superior taste in music. Honestly though, it’s your loss and I still have my secret weapon. Suckers!

  3. Kyle K.

    If you don’t like Disney Musicals never take a road trip with Alice. Seriously, she walked down the aisle at our wedding to the theme from “Fantasmic”. I know many of you are thinking “WTF is Fantasmic?” so here is what gets Alice pumped up:

  4. Jon B

    Lil Wayne and eminem “drop the world”. This pumps me the , well it pumps me up. Play it loud and get the kids out of the room. Badass!!!

  5. Brian

    Kyle, I knew there was a secret to her fast swimming.

  6. link on the main site with Barkley getting ripped on for sucking at CrossFit:

  7. Drop The World is a good one…
    Also, both albums of DJAM and Travis Barker Live @ Coachella. Holy F-word that is some good shit right there.

  8. Eminem “Till I Collapse”
    Play this song right before your WOD and listen to the lyrics
    ‘Cause sometimes you feel tired,
    feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
    But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
    and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
    and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.”
    Yeah this song will surely get you pumped!

  9. Brooke

    Okay okay sorry Alice! I didn’t mean to discriminate against you:) I will admit that I really love the song Hakuna Matata and I own the soundtracks to Oliver and Company and Lion King! But, to be honest that doesn’t exactly get me in the mood to do Fran!

  10. Gabe, agreed. Tons of stuff off Eminem’s first 3 albums.

  11. dawn

    anything AC/DC

  12. brother mike

    Most Eminem works well, expecially Lose Yourself (“Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted . . .”).
    The Beatles, Revolution- its the angry guitar, the words aren’t relevant for the motivation on this.
    “Slam” by Onyx.
    Anything Nirvana or Pearl Jam. Dont make me bust out my angst injected flannel.
    Antoher thing I notice with tempo related stuff is that Nelly and Luther (Luke Skywalker- screw George Lucas’s copyright crap) Campbell of Two Live Crew both have songs with extremely fast tempo- 120+ beats per minute. Good pace for keeping time and making reps move fast.

  13. Gabe… Till I collapse has to have a spot on the World’s Most Epic WOD Playlist. Love it.

  14. Slayer covering Inna-Gadda-Da-Vidda is one of my favorites, Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir, Alanis Morriesette’s Uninvited. But you know I also like Dean Martin’s cover of Beseme Mucho (for stretching!)

  15. Sean T.

    Pantera has a nasty habit up firing me up for workouts, sporting events, etc.

  16. Amy Muraki

    Alice- I was totally hoping you would comment! haha!! GLEE rocks.
    Brooke I’d love for a little Hakuna Matata to be thrown in to the warm-up! Too funny!

  17. Ballas – Tiesto, well done sir! Although it might make me want to go to Vegas and do illegal things at XS…

  18. DW

    As far as music goes I’ll take anything fast and trace inducing. I can’t remember lyrics for shit so if music isn’t available I usually chant Jingle Bells to myself or the first verse of an old Don Williams song. If things get bad I’ve found focusing on (in no particular order) Chocolate Cake, Coffee and BJ’s to help.

  19. Metallica — check out this music video (off their last album — still rockin’ into old age!!)

  20. Ashley D
    The secret to my laughter and squat depth on wall balls during WOD 11.5…

  21. Ryan – That is why I do Crossfit, so I can go to Vegas…..
    When I use to workout with Lene, he would rock this at Lean on me.

  22. brother mike

    John- Lars ruined Metallica for me by whining incessantly about his artistic integrity (read being a money grubbing ass) in the Napster downfall. Hard to be taken seriously as bad ass when your a multi-millionaire whining all over TV for a year or so about wanting to make more money.

  23. Bro Mike — agreed. I stopped caring about Lars (and his mediocre drumming) awhile back, but have you heard their last album? If you are a pre-black album fan of Metallica, this is as close as it comes to the old days 🙂
    Chris B. I think you just shut the door on this convo. What a music video! I’m gonna be hip thrusting all day!

  24. Jennifer R.

    Veruca Salt. “Volcano Girls.” First song on my running play list. Should I ever get to use it again…Boo hoo.

  25. Eileen

    The Killers “Can You Read My Mind”; Rhianna “Disturbia”; and a new favorite, Neon Trees “Animal”. Then again, in the geek category to which I happily belong, there are some classic anthems, like “Top Gun” before a workout starts.

  26. brother mike

    Blake, sorry couldn’t watch the video once I saw Bieber in the title. I can no longer watch anything Bieber related since seeing ‘Never Say Never’ in 3-D (my 6 year old made me). Rowing 2k hurts so much less than 2 hours of Bieber in 3-D.

  27. Ballas – excellent, i’m going in June, roll with!

  28. Headed to see Tiesto for Memorial Day, also Amrin Van Buuren, and Above and Beyond. I saw Tiesto in March and it was insane @ the Joint. When are we going to start jamming out to this stuff @CFES?

  29. it lives on my phone – in other words 6:30p class.

  30. brother mike does a daily endurance and strength WOD. Today’s strength WOD is 5-7 wall walks and this is how they define wall walks:
    wall walks (start standing up with your back to the wall about 3 feet away. Lean back until your hands come in contact with the wall. Walk your way down as deep as you can. Reaching the floor is your ultimate goal. Walk back up the wall with out falling. That is 1 wall walk). Rest as needed between. OR 5 Bridges for 30 second holds, rest 30sec to 1 min between.
    That sounds a lot tougher than our wall walks.

  31. Bomb Track, by Rage Against the Machine.

  32. Adam K

    No dance parties here. anything by Lamb of God always seems to do the trick (or music that would otherwise be considered offensive by my mother.)

  33. Hollis

    “Till I Collapse” by Eminem, “Kryptonite” by Big Boi, “Heads Will Roll” by Yeah Yeah Yeahs and “Ready to Start” by Arcade Fire. And any of Girl Talk’s albums from start to finish.

  34. Hollis

    And of course, no music list would be complete without the song that NFL Films was overwhelmingly the most popular song in all of sports. Seriously.

  35. House of Pain: Shamrocks & Shinanigans.

  36. Liz

    Thanks for Workout tonight Honey Badgers.. Edger sorry we missed you hope you having a great week. Monica & I are judging Sean on WOD 6 tomorrow night during Open Gym time if you want to come by.. We can grab a beer after!

  37. “Let’s Get Physical” by Olivia Newton John. Haha!

  38. sonya

    i love it all too, anything, just LOUD…so hopefully this means you will be turning it up???

  39. AO

    Some new metal with double bass drums and some screaming does it for me. As I Lay Dying, August Burns Red, Parkway Drive. Probably the only one at CFES listening to this.

  40. Gia

    You know what’s sad? Is I heard Rage Against the Machine the other day and the first thing I thought of was the gym. Now I don’t own a single album of RATM, but yet I am now conditioned to respond to it. Thanks Justin, thanks a lot.
    For me, it’s ABBA all the way. Not so much for a wod, but Dancing Queen gets me every time. That and ‘September’….