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Guess What Time It Is, It’s Rant:30!

Today is the last day to sign up for October On-Ramp.  There are only a couple spots left and they will be filled by the end of the day.  If you snooze you will loose.

7 Ronuds For Time:
Run 400m
15 KB Swing 53/35


You all are intellegent human beings.  Some of you are the tops in your fields, and some damn good athletes too.  However many of you turn your brains off when you come into CFES.  I know the movements are overwhelming, and the workouts are deleriously nauseating, but there are a few things going on around here that need to stop. 

1)  CHALK STAYS IN THE BUCKET!  You may put some on your hands to dry them out, but you may not drop and clap chalk all over the gym.  "The trail of chalk in the gym leads to the rookie."  The chalk bucket is to be used in the same manner as you would wash your hands in the sink at your mother's house.  You don't go flinging chalk all over the gym, keep it in the frikin' bucket!  If you make a chalk mess, you will be publicly humiliated and made to vaccuum it up.  In the picture above someone left a rock on chalk on the floor and it got stepped on.  We are coaches here people, not janitors.

2)  Use the markers nicely.  Every day I pull a marker out of the bin and the tip is smashed in.  These markers are about a buck a piece even when bought in bulk.  They write just as well with a light touch, infact they write even better than if you smash the tip in.  When using a marker to count rounds or reps in a WOD, number your reps and rounds first, then wipe them off the board as you go.  That way you won't freak about losing one second on your time and ruin the 1000th marker at CFES…  I have one on a string behind the front desk that I have been using for over a year and it is still perferct because you all don't use it.

3)  Stop sliming the glass on the front door on your way out of the gym.  Didn't your parents tell you not to touch the glass on the doors when you were a kid because somebody has to clean it.  Shame on them if they didn't becasue I am the person who has to clean up after you every time.  PLEASE use the door handle, not your greasy sweaty shoulder to open the door on the way out.  (I tried to get a picture of the slime, but it wouldn't come out on the glass.)

4)  Lost and found…  Sometimes I feel like this place is a Goodwill.  I know you leave here in a fog and not cold like when you got here, but take your shit home.  I have donated bags and bags of your stuff to Goodwill as it has accumulated here.  There is a Goodwill drop station at the corner of my block, and they know me by name because I bring them so much great stuff.  I will be visiting the drop station when I get back from Colorado on Monday, so take a look in the pile to see if your are a contributor to the mess.  If you want to keep it, take it home by the end of the week.

We work hard to run a 1st class facility here.  Please help us by keeping your brains turned on when you come to the box.

Rant over, and have a gread WOD today.

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