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Rock Climbing

3 Thrusters
3 C2B Pullups
6 Thrusters
6 C2B Pullups 
…continually adding 3 reps per round 

Some of you may know this about me while others may not, but prior to finding CrossFit I spent about a year rockclimbing as kind of a rebound from no longer playing soccer seriously.  Though I have since allocated my efforts elsewhere, climbing still remains close to my heart.  Here's one of my favorite climbing videos.  This may not be the word's most difficult "problem" (though it's certainly more difficult than anything I could fathom doing–some problems that highlight difficult holds aren't quite as impressive on video), but I think it really emphasizes the creativity and athleticism involved.  If you want to skip ahead to 3:47 you can see one guy make it all the way through.

I will say that climbing, more so than any other sport I have ever come across (and yes this includes CrossFit or Olympic lifting) highlights how important economy of movement is.  It does not matter if you have Pop-eye forearms if you have poor movement patterns.  It always entertained me to see the guys that expected to kick ass attempt even beginner problems and find that all of their strength was good for nothing without the practical application of that force (it's okay because this was me).  Come to think of it, I kind of feel that way in CrossFit too.

For those of you who are interested in checking out some climbing check out Pipeworks on 16th and I. Costs about 16 bucks on the weekend if you don't have gear.  Lots of fun for all age groups and fitness levels and you maybe you'll learn to do THIS.

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  1. I’ve had some time to reflect on the Open and I have a major announcement. Since I’d be sitting in 10th overall in the Region of Africa, we are moving. We will miss you all, but a family has to have priorities and finishing higher in the Open in 2013 is among the most important things you can do in life.
    Good day.

  2. Jamie P

    It’s been real. It’s been fun. It’s been real fun. Watch out, Cape Town, here come the Pearsons!

  3. Blake: rock climbing is pretty fascinating (but I’ve never done it.) I was watching a documentary many years ago about a really talented young guy was was great climber. He could do pullups with two fingers. Balance on a wire. Stuff like that. Once he got a hold of even a small crevice, he could pull himself up.

  4. Lesley Heller

    Oh no Matt u r not abandoning me. U were my biggest cheerleader besides Xenia and I need u here for next year. So no Bon Voyage for u Jamie,Emma, Chloe ,and katherine(I think I got the names correct)

  5. xenia

    I agree with Lesley,youre not going anywhere!! Who’s going to remind me daily about my early arm pull:)

  6. Matt: I really would miss the kids. Don’t go.

  7. Shem

    Blake, do you still do rock-climbing? In a gymm or outdoors? That stuff is pretty intense, like you said it’s more about knowing your limits and balance. Definitely interesting.