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Some Badass Masters Shiz

Complete the following as a team of 3, any order:
400m Sled Push 120
4000m Row
*Your team must keep a 135 bar off the ground for the entire WOD.  Each time the bar hits the ground, the whole team must do 25 burpees each before moving on.

While Freddy was visiting, he and Cori who are two of the top masters athletes in the world got to throw down against each other a number of times. On this day, we had them do the a variation of Event 2 from this years regionals.

At 45 years old, doing hang cleans with 225 and 135 is no joke. These two are serious badasses and are very inspiring to the rest of us. It was a lot of fun to have them both in here at the same time pushing each other and having fun. For those of you who don’t know Freddy, he is always having a good time which is a great influence for our good friend Cori.

Go ahead and throw this one in full screen mode, the quality is pretty good. I was playing with the transitions, so hopefully you don’t easily get motion sickness.

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