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Steve-O With The OHS PR!

50-35-15 of:
Wall Ball 20/14
Push Ups
Un-Anchored Ab Mat Sit Ups

Steve Eggert on the last rep of his 3 rep PR yesterday.  Steve hit 145 for 3 solid rock bottom OH Squats, and you can feel the intensity coming out of this photo.  This was his 1 rep max from exactly 1 month ago.  I am not saying it was the shoes, but ask Steve how much better it feels to wear lifting shoes while squatting than it used to feel in regular tennis shoes.  He will now tell you that Olympic style squatting with running shoes on is just as inappropriate as ice skating in soccer cleats.  If you are still holding out on getting some lifting shoes, quit being a cheap bastard and get yourself a pair.  At the very least you could write Santa a letter and ask for a pair for Christmas. 
Santa won't be able to find lifting shoes at Walmart, so you might want to send him the following internet links as well:

Notes on proper footwea

Picture 5 Running Shoes – These shoes suck and are good for nothing, not even running.  They promote improper foot mechanics.  Learn to run properly without a heel strike.  Your feet and knees will thank you.

Casual Shoes – Flat and un-supportive.  Great for proper running, deadlifting, back squatting, and general CrossFit workouts.  You won't loose your balance like your standing on a mattress.

Weightlifting Shoes – This is what you need for cleans, jerks, snatches, high bar back squats, front squats, and overhead squats.  Hard soled and elevated heel.  You will be more stable and have a much better squat position.

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