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Technique, Consistency, Intensity

"Lets Fight Travis" (for making this WOD)

Perform the following just like "Fight Gone Bad" for 3 rounds.  1 minute on each station with a 1 minute rest station before repeating.

  1. Shoulder to Overhead Any Way 95/65 (Reps)
  2. Double Unders (Reps/3)
  3. Pull Ups (Reps)
  4. Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/65 (Reps)
  5. Burpees (Reps)
  6. Rest Station

The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of
"rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good
score. One point is given for each rep, except double unders where 3 reps = 1 point. 

Tom works the fundamentals of the press with new members Randy and Erika Khamis.  Great job today guys, you have embarked on a life changing program.  Learn technique first, get consistent next, then ratchet up the intensity until you find yourselves in the best shape of your lives.  That's the stuff CrossFit is made of.

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