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The Beast Conquers Grace

***Its Movie Night!!!  Hopefully a good number of you will be able to make it out.  We are going to start BBQing the tri tip at about 6:00 PM.  Bring a camping chair, a small side dish and any beverages you wish to consume.  I have a good amount of hard A and will get some ice and mixers going as well, but beer and wine is on you all.  We will start the CrossFit movie around 7:00 PM and I have a special video of all of us at the Nor Cal Qualifiers to follow it up.  After that let the games begin.  Anyone want to attempt the Century Club?***

5 Rounds For Time:
5 Power Cleans 185/105
10 Pistols (alternate legs, see video below)

Masson "The Beast" Prowse showed up late last Friday as we were closing.  We had a few things to do and a couple more beers to drink before going home, so we had him warm up and hit "Grace" as Rx'ed.  30 Reps Clean & Jerk, or from the floor to overhead any way possible is no joke for a 17 year old basketball player.  Masson knocked it out of the park with pretty good form and super legit range of motion.  He split all of his jerks and we made sure he recovered to a fully extended position with knees hips and arms all locked out and in one plane.  His time was 8:21.  Great job young man, I would bet my whole beer fridge that nobody else on your entire basketball team could even complete that WOD.

Here is a video of how to get started on the pistol from
Pistols, Part I (Adrian Bozman) …[wmv][mov]

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