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The CrossFit Mentality

1)    I will promise to do my best.  My best will vary from day to day, from hour to hour,  from minute to minute.  But in that minute, I will do my best.
2)    If I can run, I will run.  If I have to walk, I will walk.  When I am forced to crawl, I will crawl.  Then I will rest and live to fight another day.
3)    I fear no man but I fear my workout.  If I don’t fear my workout, it isn’t hard enough.
4)    I may puke.  I may bleed.  I may cry.  But I will never quit.
5)    I never cheat.  There is no honor in cheating.  What joy can there be in a victory that is not earned.

5 Rounds For Time: 
7 Overhead Squat
21 Pull Ups



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Holly and Xenia teaming up to get in their tire flips for Saturday's partner WOD. 
The 9:00 AM (left) and 10:00 AM (right) classes from Saturday.  The WOD was a blast!  There was all kinds of strategy and teamwork going on.  The pairs were all handicapped so the strongest athletes were paired with less advanced athletes based on their Tabata burpee scores from the warmup.  Every group finished between 29 and 33 minutes.

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