Deadift 5-5-5-5-5
Strict Chin Ups – 3 Sets For Max Reps
12,9,6,3 of:
Power Clean 185/115
Ring Dip
CrossFit Moxie has exploded. As you can see it's time for a bigger box, and that is just what is going on. They are moving down the parking lot to a bigger space and along with that comes a throwdown!
Chris Michelmore is putting together a great event that is likely to host many of the same teams from the Sac Town Throwdown. It's a celebration of the new space, but it is also the first of what is planed to be an annual event. I will register our gym for 1 scaled and 1 Rx team as soon as possible. We will need 2 men and 2 women for each division. This is a great oppritunity to compete against a bunch of great CF boxes.
Click here for details and let me know if you are interested in competing that weekend.