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The Mystery of the Gym Bag

Back Squat  3 x 10

AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 each Db Hang Snatch
10 each Handstand Shoulder Taps
10 Hollow Rock


Gym bags come through the door in all shapes and sizes. And lets face it, they can get pretty gnarly. So many things are “must haves” in different situations. Since the situation is “constantly varied” here at CFES, one must be prepared for anything. Whether it’s the shoes to fit the occasion (or match the outfit), the shin guard, tape, DEODORANT (please), jump ropes, lifting straps, wrist wraps, or any other cool gadgets, people are ready! Not to mention the changes of clothes and food. Here on the left we see a fairly large tackle box filled with all sorts of first aid goodies. WHATS IN YOUR GYM BAG? And how bad does it smell?

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  1. Brother Mike

    Bandaids, neosporin, fingernail clippers, callous shaver, a towel, shin guards, tape, lifting shoes, jump rope,.

    Deodorant just masks the smell of excellence.

  2. Brother Mike

    Cool video of a post lift equipment failure (no one hurt or anything):

  3. Nikki McCurry

    My tackle box is famous! People will catch on shortly 😉 You can never be too prepared especially doing CrossFit.