!!!UPDATES!!! First off, the movement standard for the Qualifier has been changed to full lockout at the bottom of the muscle up. See updated video new standards video. The deadline to send your email on WOD preference of Rx or scaled is now due by Wednesday midnight. Email norcalcfregionals@gmail.com.
***Many of us are traveling to Gilroy/Aromas for the event this weekend. If you are looking for a roommate or someone to carpool with use the comments section to hook up and get it together. I know some of you have extra beds and space in your cars so lets finish getting organzed. It is gonna be one hell of a weekend!***
It was
decided last night that competitors who scale will now be included in
the final event on Sunday!!! Get ready for two days of sweet pain. This may influence your decisions to scale or not! This
is going to be the fitness experience of your lifetimes!
"Last Chance WOD"
5 Rounds:
Max Reps Muscle Ups in 45 sec
Rest 15 sec
Max Reps Power Clean 185/105
Rest 15 sec
Scale MU's to Jumping Muscle Ups and scale power cleans according to ability.
Loren's 1st Muscle Up from CrossFit East Sac on Vimeo.
The Qualifiers called for muscle ups and the decision of scaled or Rx'd must be made by tomorrow. Loren decided to come in and spend some extra time working on the muscle up and nailed it. 4 in 10 minutes to qualify might still be a stretch, but an awesome achievement none the less.